Accessing Graphic Arts Collection Materials

Online records for graphic arts materials have been produced in the two catalogs described below. Consult the collection descriptions for collection specific access information. A number of illustrated inventories are available for browsing graphic arts collections.

The General Catalog

Records for a significant portion of the graphic arts collection can be accessed through the General Catalog.

Using the Keyword Search Option Page, pair these terms with other keywords of your choice:

BDSDS = broadside collection
Ephemera = ephemera (trade cards, menus, billheads, etc. – also includes broadsides)
Lithf? = lithographs
Engrf? = engravings and relief prints
Polit. = political cartoons
Maps? = maps
ill. = illustrated

Note: The “?” is the wildcard for this catalog and permits the widest possible search.

The Catalogue of American Engravings

The CAEP Database is a census database of engraved illustrations and prints that were made in America before 1820. It captures book illustrations, periodical illustrations, and prints. It does not include cartography or ephemera. Not all results will be at AAS, but holding institution is noted.

The collection descriptions below provide an overview of the Society's holdings, specifics on access, and additional resources when available.

For questions, please contact our Readers' Services department or the Curator of Graphic Arts, Lauren Hewes.

Quick Links

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