Current Members - Rhode Island

All RI members

Location Election
Fields Barbara G. Providence, RI 11/19/2020
Fiering Norman Sanford Providence, RI 4/5/1981
Gould Philip Benton Providence, RI 10/17/2003
Grasso Christopher Daniel Providence, RI 4/11/2003
Greene Jack Phillip Warwick, RI 10/18/1972
Hagan Joseph Henry Little Compton, RI 4/20/1988
Harrington James Harley Portsmouth, RI 10/21/1987
Hattendorf John Brewster Newport, RI 10/27/2016
Helfand Jessica Providence, RI 10/24/2008
Keenan Thomas Joseph Wakefield, RI 4/22/2006
Maddock Philip G. Barrington, RI 4/15/2011
Middendorf J. William, II Little Compton, RI 4/16/1958
Rockman Seth Edward Providence, RI 10/21/2011
Safier Neil Providence, RI 10/24/2014
Stokes Keith W. Newport, RI 4/2/2023
Weimer Adrian Chastain Providence, RI 10/21/2022
Widmer Edward Ladd Providence, RI 4/22/2006
Williams Frank John Hope Valley, RI 4/22/1995
Wood Gordon Stewart Providence, RI 4/20/1976
Woolsey John Munro, 3rd Providence, RI 4/21/2007
Wulf Karin Anne Providence, RI 10/22/2004

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