
The Society holds a diverse collection of American photography ranging in date from the 1830s to the 1920s. The collection is primarily organized by process such as daguerreotypes, ambrotypes, and cartes-de-visites. In addition, the Society's collection of photo albums is fully cataloged online in the General Catalog.

A collection of photographs given by Thomas Dailey in 2018 depicting his ancestors of Bridgeport, Connecticut, has been digitized, and includes a copy of his compiled genealogy, available here.

Illustrated Inventories

Ambrotypes Collection Inventory
There are over 150 ambrotypes depicted. Measurements are included.

Daguerreotypes Collection Inventory
There are over 220 daguerreotypes depicted. Measurements are included.

Tintypes Collection Inventory
There are over 200 tintypes depicted. Measurements are included.

Personal Photographs of Theodore C. Wohlbrück
There are over 160 glass plate negatives taken by photographer Theodore C. Wohlbrück. The location of the photographs include Worcester, Mass. and Virginia.

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