American Broadsides & Ephemera Before 1800

In this video, Lauren Hewes, the Society’s vice president for collections, describes the primary printing processes used in the 18th century to create and disseminate visual material, including prints, maps, ephemera, and book and newspaper illustrations.

This educational video explores themes discussed in The News Media and the Making of America, 1730-1800, the 2021 NEH Summer Institute for K-12 Educators.

Primary sources, listed in order of appearance
The following primary sources were discussed in this video.

Thumbnail Access Title Item details Tmestamp
Young Superior, will cover mares this season ... AAS catalog record 0:25
A poem, descriptive of the terrible fire, which made such shocking devastation in Boston... A poem, descriptive of the terrible fire, which made such shocking devastation in Boston ... [broadside] AAS catalog record 1:20
I want all the scraps I can collect. I want all the scraps I can collect. AAS catalog record 1:28
Bulletin. Wall St. Bulletin. Wall St. AAS catalog record 1:32
Phillis's poem on the death of Mr. Whitefield. Phillis's poem on the death of Mr. Whitefield. AAS catalog record 1:39
Poems on various subjects, religious and moral Poems on various subjects, religious and moral. By Phillis Wheatley AAS catalog record 1:50
A Monumental inscription on the fifth of March A Monumental inscription on the fifth of March. Together with a few lines on the enlargement of Ebenezer Richardson, convicted of murder. AAS catalog record 2:16
Charlestown, April 27, 1769. To be sold, on Wednesday Charlestown, April 27, 1769. To be sold, on Wednesday the tenth day of May next, a choice cargo of two hundred & fifty Negroes... AAS catalog record 2:40
Charts published and sold by William Norman AAS catalog record 3:09
Agte Lannuier distiller and confectioner. AAS catalog record 3:34
Zacharie Coopman & Co. Merch'ts Baltimore. AAS catalog record 3:40
Jonathan Meredith trade card Jonathan Meredith, tanner and currier ... AAS catalog record 3:45
Imported from London and sold by Jane Eustis, at her shop near the Town-House Boston. Imported from London and sold by Jane Eustis, at her shop near the Town-House Boston. AAS catalog record 3:50
To be sold by Joseph Webb To be sold by Joseph Webb at his store near Olivers Dock Boston. AAS catalog record 4:15
Ebenezer Larkin at his book & stationary store, no. 47 Cornhill Boston. Ebenezer Larkin at his book & stationary store, no. 47 Cornhill Boston. AAS catalog record 4:25

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