American State Papers, 1789-1838

The American State Papers constitute rich primary source material on many aspects of early American history from 1789 to 1838. A retrospective republication of approximately 6280 numbered publications, largely Congressional but also containing Executive Department materials, the American State Paper volumes, issued from 1832-1861, were published in ten classes in a total of 38 folio volumes.

The classes into which the publications were assembled and printed and the number of volumes they occupy are: I: Foreign Relations in six volumes; II: Indian Affairs in two volumes; III: Finance in five volumes; IV: Commerce and Navigation in two volumes; V: Military Affairs in seven volumes; VI: Naval Affairs in four volumes; VII: Post-office Department in one volume; VIII: Public Lands in eight volumes; IX: Claims in one volume; and X: Miscellaneous in two volumes.

Unlike the U.S. Congressional Serial Set, the publications in the American State Papers are not divided into reports and documents and do not include House and Senate journals. Approximately two-thirds of the publications
cover the first 14 Congresses (1789-1817), whereas the remaining third chronologically overlap with the Serial Set from 1817-1838.

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