Educational Videos

The American Antiquarian Society has contributed to or produced the following educational videos for individual and classroom use. The Society makes available, without charge, all of our existing medium resolution digital images that are in the public domain to be used for any purpose under the terms of a Creative Commons License. No permission is required though attribution is required. The Society's preferred credit line for all uses is, "Courtesy, American Antiquarian Society."

Title Content Associated resources
American Broadsides and Ephemera Before 1800
Chat with a Curator - Halloween
Diaries at the American Antiquarian Society
Fake News and the Massachusetts Spy, 1775
Isaiah Thomas’s Printing Press
Isaiah's Indenture
Manuscript Poems of Phillis Wheatley at AAS
Paul Revere and Isaiah Thomas
Printmaking in 18th-Century America
Some Characteristics of Colonial American Newspapers
The Artifacts of Paul Revere’s Ride
The Format of Colonial American Newspapers
The Patriot Printer: Isaiah Thomas
The When and Where of American Print Culture in the 1700s
The Who and What of American Print Culture in the 1700s
William Brown - A Moment in Worcester Black History

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