Fellows Directory

Each fellow's institutional affiliation and position at the time of the fellowship is listed. Fellows may be sorted by last name, fellowship cycles, and fellowship. Over five hundred books by fellows are based on research conducted during AAS fellowships.

Last name
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z

Fellowship cycle
1972-73 | 1973-74 | 1974-75 | 1975-76 | 1976-77 | 1977-78 | 1978-79 | 1979-80 | 1980-81 | 1981-82 | 1982-83 | 1983-84 | 1984-85 | 1985-86 | 1986-87 | 1987-88 | 1988-89 | 1989-90 | 1990-91 | 1991-92 | 1992-93 | 1993-94 | 1994-95 | 1995-96 | 1996-97 | 1997-98 | 1998-99 | 1999-00 | 2000-1 | 2001-2 | 2002-3 | 2003-4 | 2004-5 | 2005-6 | 2006-7 | 2007-8 | 2008-9 | 2009-10 | 2010-11 | 2011-12 | 2012-13 | 2013-14 | 2014-15 | 2015-16 | 2016-17 | 2017-18 | 2018-19 | 2019-20 | 2020-21 | 2021-22 | 2022-23 | 2023-24

AAS-ASECS | AAS-NEH | AAS-NEMLA | AHPCS | Alstott-Morgan | Baron | Boni | Botein | Brown Family Collection | Burkhardt | Daniels | d'Héricourt | Drawn to Art | Ebeling | Ford | Fulbright | Haven | Hearst | Hench | Hiatt | Jaffee | K-12 | Keller | Korzenik | Last | Last (Artist) | Lapides | Legacy | Mellon Distinguished Scholars | Mellon Postdoctoral | Mellon Short-Term | Morgan | Packer | Peterson | RA (Research Associates) | Reese | Rockefeller | Schiller | Sigety | Sigety (Artist) |Tracy | U.S. Steel Foundation | Wallace


Last name First name Date Fellowship Affiliation Position Project
Abruzzo Margaret 2013-14
University of Alabama associate professor Good People and Bad Behavior: Changing Views of Sin and Moral Responsibility
Adams Gretchen 2000-1
University of New Hampshire Ph.D. candidate The Specter of Salem in American Culture
Adelman Joseph 2007-8
Johns Hopkins University PhD candidate The Business of Politics: Printers and the Emergence of Political Communications Networks, 1765-1789
Adelman Joseph 2011-12
Johns Hopkins University lecturer Revolutionary Networks: The Business of Printing and the Production of American Politics, 1763-1789
Al-halabieh Deena 2022-23
University of California at Santa Barbara Ph.D. candidate Princes Among Slaves: Orientalism, Race, and Religion in 18th -19th Century American Arabic Slave Narratives
Albanese Catherine 1977-78
Wright State professor Davy Crockett Almanacs
Albanese Catherine 1983-84
Wright State professor The Divine Harmonia: Transcendentalism, Popular Religion, and Healing Movements in Nineteenth-Century America
Albaugh Gaylord 1972-73
U.S. Steel Foundation
McMaster University professor American Religious Newspapers and Periodicals, 1730-1830
Albaugh Gaylord 1989-90
McMaster University professor American Religious Newspapers and Periodicals, 1730-1830
Alemán Jesse 2023-24
Mellon Distinguished Fellow
University of New Mexico professor
Allgor Catherine 1995-96
Yale Ph.D. candidate Political Parties: Society and Politics in Washington City, 1800-1832
Allison Christopher 2017-18
Harvard University Ph.D. candidate Protestant Relics: Encountering and Collecting the Body in Early America, 1770-1850
Alliston April 1994-95
Princeton assistant professor A Cultural Biography of James Fenimore Cooper
Altice Eric 2000-1
University of California, Los Angeles Ph.D. candidate Taking the Heathen to the Countryside: Missionary Publication and the Representations of the 'Exotic' in Antebellum America
Altschuler Sari 2011-12
City University of New York, The Graduate Center Ph.D. candidate National Physiology: George Lippard and Antebellum Medical Discourse
Altschuler Sari 2013-14
University of South Florida assistant professor of English National Physiology: Literature, Medicine, and the Invention of the American Body, 1789-1860
Anderson Anne 2014-15
Exeter University PhD candidate in English The Morse Collection
Anderson Hannah 2017-18
University of Pennsylvania Ph.D. candidate Lived Botany: Domesticity, Settler Colonialism, and Ecological Adaption in Early British North America
Anderson Jennifer 2004-5
New York University PhD "Nature's Currency: The Atlantic Mahogany Trade in the 18th Century"
Anderson Jennifer 2006-7
New York University PhD candidate Nature's Currency: The Atlantic Mahogany Trade, 1725-1825
Anderson Jill 2003-4
Thomas Jefferson Foundation assistant editor "Nothing Done!': The Poet in Early Nineteenth-Century American Culture
Anderson Kenneth 1973-74
Mellon short-term fellow
Worcester Polytechnic Institute assistant professor Research on the writings of James Fenimore Cooper
Andrews Edward 2007-8
University of New Hampshire Ph.D. candidate "Saints our of Savages: Native American and African Missionaries, 1750-1775"
Angelica Kathryn 2023-24
University of Connecticut PhD candidate in history An Uneasy Alliance: Cooperation and Conflict in Nineteenth-Century Black and White Women's Activism
Angsusingha Sopanit 2022-23
Georgetown University PhD candidate in history The Gospel of Civility: Missionary Encounters, Education, and Gender in Iraq
Anishanslin Zara 2013-14
College of Staten Island assistant professor Rebelling Subjects, Revealing Objects: The Material and Visual Culture of Making and Remembering the American Revolution
Anthony David 1996-97
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Ph.D. candidate Scandalous Aesthetics: Masculine Emotion and the Birth of the Public Sphere in Antebellum America
Anthony David 2000-1
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale assistant professor White-Collar Gothic: Debtor Masculinity, Submission, and the U.S. Bank in Antebellum America
Anthony David 2005-6
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale assistant professor Shylock on Wall Street: Market Passion and the Capitalist Jew in Antebellum Sensationalism
Anthony David 2012-13
SIU Carbondale associate professor The Sensational Jew in Antebellum America: Conversion, Race, and the Making of Middle-Class Culture
Apap Christopher 2012-13
Oakland University special lecturer The Genius of the Place
Appleby Joyce 1994-95
UCLA professor The First Generation of Americans
Armstrong Kimberly 2016-17
Metropolitan Community College, Omaha instructor 'The Plague is Just as Great Today': Selling the Subscription Book in Postbellum America
Arndt Sarah 2010-11
Trinity College, University of Dublin Ph.D. candidate The Book Trade and Print Culture: A Comparative Analysis of Belfast and Baltimore, 1760-1825
Arner Robert 1975-76
Comic Literature in Colonial America
Arner Robert 1991-92
University of Cincinnati professor The Politics of Knowledge in the Early Republic: American Encyclopedias from the Federal Period to the Jacksonian Era
Arsem Marilyn 1997
Boston, MA performance artist Spirit Messages: A performance based on 19th century Spiritualism, as well as late 19th century daily life in New England
Arthur James 2018
Last Jay and Deborah Last
Baltimore, MD poet On a Portrait Bust in Worcester, Massachusetts: A poem inspired by an anonymous marble portrait bust acquired on behalf on the Antiquarian Society in 1881
Astore William 1994-95
Oxford University Ph.D. candidate Observing God: Thomas Dick (1774-1857), Religion and Popular Astronomy in Great Britain and America, 1823-57
Athens Elizabeth 2014-15
Yale University Ph.D. candidate in art history Figuring a World: William Bartram's Natural History
Augst Thomas 1999-00
University of Minnesota assistant professor Making Society Out of Books: Character, Composure, and the Rhetoric of Market Culture
Augst Thomas 2004-5
University of Minnesota assistant professor "The Sobriety Test: Temperance and the Melodramas of Modern Citizenship"
Augst Thomas 2013-14
New York University associate professor A Drunkard's Story: Social reform and mass culture in nineteenth-century America
Avery Gillian 1985-86
author The American Pattern of Childhood
Bachman Ryan 2022-23
University of Delaware PhD candidate in history 'Done in Canton': Chinese Export Waxworks in American Museums
Backer Samuel 2020-21
Johns Hopkins University Ph.D. candidate in history 'The Parlor and the Public': American Culture, 1870-1920
Backscheider Paula 1987-88
University of Rochester associate professor A Biography of Daniel Defoe
Badley Chip 2023-24
University of California Santa Barbara Lecturer of English Writing Beauty: Painting and Queer Sexuality in Nineteenth-Century American Literature
Badley Dana 2018-19
University of California, Santa Barbara Ph.D. candidate in English Aesthetic Sociality and Nineteenth-Century America
Bahar Matthew 2010-11
University of Oklahoma Ph.D. candidate People of the Dawnland and their Atlantic World
Bailey Candace 2019-20
North Carolina Central University professor of music Nontraditional Patterns of Gendered Music Circulation
Bak Meredith 2010-11
University of California, Santa Barbara Ph.D. candidate Perception and Playthings: Optical Toys as Instruments of Science and Culture
Baker Anne 1999-00
Reed College visiting assistant professor Geography Schoolbooks and Nation Formation in the Antebellum United States
Baker Anne 2001-2
Reed College visiting assistant professor of English Geography, National Form, and the American Renniassance
Baker Jennifer 1996-97
University of Pennsylvania Ph.D. candidate Currency of Words: Finance and Literary Imagination in Early America
Baker Megan 2023-24
Drawn to Art
University of Delaware PhD candidate in art history Pastel Rebellion: The Material Politics of North American Pastels, 1758-1814
Balachandran Orihuela Sharada 2015-16
University of Maryland, College Park assistant professor Counterfeit Colony: Bootleg Currency and the Revolutionary Market
Baldwin Peter 2004-5
University of Connecticut assistant professor "American Night: Transforming the Nocturnal City, 1800-1930"
Balik Shelby 2003-4
University of Wisconsin - Madison Ph.D. candidate The Religious Frontier
Ballard Arielle 2017
Brockton, MA poet Research on interactions between black and indigenous people for a full-length book of poetry
Banks Kenneth 2005-6
University of North Carolina, Asheville visiting assistant professor Slow Poison: French Contraband in the Early Modern Atlantic Economy, 1660-1800
Barbeau Lauren 2014-15
Washington University in St Louis Ph.D. candidate in English 'Worth of a Happier Domestic Fate': Domesticity as the Property of White Women
Barber W. 1995
Kingsley Elementary School, Evanston, Illinois teacher The Ethnic 'Other' in Children's Literature
Barrett Faith 2006-7
Lawrence University assistant professor 'To fight aloud is very brave': American Poetry and the Civil War
Barrett Faith 2013-14
Lawrence University associate professor Poems and Parodies: Voice-Effects and the Profession of Poetry in Nineteenth-Century America
Barrett Ross 2005-6
Drawn to Art
Boston University Ph.D. Candidate Rendering Violence: Riots, Strikes, and Class Conflict in 19th-Century American Art and Visual Culture
Barreyre Nicolas 2011-12
University Paris Ouest Nanterre assistant professor Of Gold and Freedman: A Sectional History of Reconstruction, 1865-1877
Bartlett Joshua 2018-19
State University of New York, Albany Ph.D. candidate in English The Many Lives of the Charter Oak
Basch Francoise 1983-84
University of Paris professor Critics of the Family in Mid-19th Century America
Basch Francoise 1984-85
University of Paris professor Critics of the Family in Mid-19th Century America.
Basch Norma 1990-91
Rutgers University associate professor Framing American Divorce: Rules, Realities, and Mythologies, 1770-1870
Bascom Benjamin 2014-15
University of IL, Urbana-Champaign Ph.D. candidate in English State Affects and Republican Properties: Feeling Wrongly in the Early United States
Bascom Benjamin 2018-19
Ball State University assistant professor of English Feeling Singular: Masculinity and Desire in the Early Republic, 1786-1822
Baseler Marilyn 1999-00
University of Texas at Austin assistant professor Strangers within our gates': America's Immigrants, 1776-1820
Basker James 1989-90
Barnard College associate professor Samuel Johnson and His American Readers
Bassett Lynne 2004-5
independent scholar "American Whole-Cloth Quilts: A Study of Regional Innovation, Refinement, and Domestic Production"
Baumgartner Kabria 2015-16
College of Wooster assistant professor The Work of Time and Love: African American Women and Educational Activism in Early America
Baumgartner Kabria 2022-23
Northeastern University associate professor of history & Africana studies Revolutionizing the City: Black Youth and the Struggle for Civil Rights in Boston
Beales Kristen 2017-18
The College of William and Mary Ph.D. candidate Religion and Commerce in Eighteenth-Century America
Beales Ross 1977-78
College of the Holy Cross assistant professor Concepts of Childhood and Youth of NewEngland
Beard James 1978-79
Clark University professor James Fenimore Cooper: A Critical Biography
Beard James 1987-88
Clark University professor James Fenimore Cooper: A Critical Biography.
Beetham Sarah 2012-13
University of Delaware Ph.D. candidate Sculpting the Citizen Soldier: Reproduction and National Memory, 1865-1917
Begiebing Robert 1996
Manchester, NH writer The Adventures of Allegra Fullerton Or, A Memoir of Startling and Amusing Episodes from Itinerant Life
Bell Richard 2003-4
Harvard University Ph.D. candidate Newspapers and the Cultural Significance of Suicide in America, 1760-1830
Bell Richard 2007-2008
University of Maryland assistant professor The Blackest Market: Patty Cannon, Kidnapping, and the Domestic Slave Trade
Bell Richard 2007-8
University of Maryland assistant professor Do Not Despair: Suicide, Property, and Power in the Newly United States
Bell Richard 2022-23
University of Maryland, College Park professor of history The First Freedom Riders:Streetcars and Street Fights in Jim Crow New York
Bellesiles Michael 1984
UC Irvine Ph.D. candidate Life, Liberty, and Land: Ethan Allen and the Frontier Experience in Revolutionary New England
Bellesiles Michael 1992-93
Emory University assistant professor The Origins of American Gun Culture, 1760-1840
Bellion Wendy 2011-12
University of Delaware associate professor The Space of Iconoclasm: New York and American Historical Memory
Belolan Nicole 2015-16
University of Delaware Ph.D. candidate Navigating the World: The Material Culture of Physical Mobility Impairment in the Early American North, 1700-1861
Bennett Paula 1996-97
University of Southern Illinois, Carbondale associate professor Dissenting Angels: The Emergence of Modern Subjectivity in American Women's Poetry, 1850-00
Bennett Zachary 2019-20
Rutgers University postdoctoral fellow in history Flowing Power: Rivers and the Remaking of Colonial New England
Bercovitch Sacvan 1986-87
Harvard University professor The Literary Market in 19th-Century America
Bergamasco-Lenarda Lucia 1981-82
Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris Ph.D. candidate Women and Children in Colonial New England
Berger Molly 1993-94
Case Western Reserve University Ph.D. candidate Hotel Dreams: Luxury, Technology, and Urban Ambition in America, 1829–1929
Bergren Katherine 2019-20
Trinity College professor of English Ordinary Transatlanticism: Anonymous Parodies of Romantic Poetry from the Caribbean and U.S.
Beringer Alex 2018-19
University of Montevallo assistant professor of English Lost Literacies: Experiments in the Nineteenth-Century American Comic Strip
Berkin Carol 1976-77
Baruch CUNY associate professor Research on Loyalists in the American Revolution
Berman Cassandra 2015-16
Brandeis University Ph.D. candidate Motherhood, the Law, and the Court of Public Opinion: Contesting Maternity in Nineteenth-Century America
Bernier Julia 2014-15
University of MA, Amherst PhD candidate in American studies A Papered Freedom
Bernstein Robin 2008-9
Harvard University assistant professor "Racial Innocence: The Uses of Childhood in U.S. Racial Formation 1852-1930."
Berry Stephen 2015-16
Simmons College associate professor Importing the Exotic: Early American Maritime Encounters with World Religions
Bervin Jen 2023
Jay and Deborah Last
Guilford, CT poet and interdisciplinary artist Research for “Measuring the Sun,” encompassing new and ongoing work on Emily Dickinson focused on artworks in the form of composites, concordances, visual indexes, and artist books
Bethel Elizabeth 1985-86
Lander University associate professor Afro-American Responses to the First Emancipation
Bethel Elizabeth 1986-87
Lander University associate professor Afro-American Responses to the First Emancipation.
Bidwell John 1978-79
A Biographical Directory of American Papermakers, 1690-1830
Bidwell John 1994-95
Rochester Institute of Technology librarian Printing Supplies in Colonial America
Bidwell John 2020-21
The Morgan Library & Museum Astor Curator and department head, printed books & bindings The Declaration of Independence: Prints, Broadsides, and Facsimiles
Bielawa Lisa 2018
New York, NY composer, producer, performer Sanctuary & Centuries in the Hours: A series of small works for the violin and voice, focusing on immigration
Bilby Amanda 2007-8
Johns Hopkins University PhD candidate Letters, Recipes, and Gifts: Exploring Transatlantic Female Alliances within the Pollard and Salisbury Families
Billias George 1984-85
Clark University Jacob and Frances Hiatt professor The Influence of American Constitutionalism Abroad, 1776-00
Billias Margaret Neussendorfer 1982-83
University of Texas, Permian Basin associate professor Bibliography of the Works of Elizabeth Palmer Peabody
Bisceglia Louis 1988-89
San Jose State professor The Origins and Pacifism of Abby Kelley
Bissett Annie 2015
Jay and Deborah Last
Providence, RI printmaker A series of woodblock prints about the spiritual and religious influences on American identity during the colonial period
Blake David 2015-16
Stony Brook, NY lecturer Between Campus and Community: Popular Music in American College Student Life, 1850-1872
Blakeslee Thomas 2023-24
Brown Family Collection
Harvard University PhD candidate, teaching fellow in history Domestic Disturbances: The Shaping of Black Fatherhood, Manhood, and Resistance in America
Blandford AJ 2016-17
Rutgers University PhD candidate Labor and the Visualization of Knowledge in American Geological Surveys
Blankenship Avery 2023-24
Northeastern University PhD candidate in English Kitchen Ventriloquisms
Bledstein Burton 1988-89
University of Illinois, Chicago associate professor A Language Event: The Middle Classes in American History, 1828-19
Bledstein Burton 1997-98
University of Illinois, Chicago associate professor By the Book: Reference and Information as Authority in 19th-Century America
Blight David 1996-97
Amherst College associate professor Reunion and Race: The Civil War in American Memory, 1870-1915
Block Elizabeth 2023-24
The MetropolitanMuseum of Art, NY senior editor, publications and editorial department Hairdressing in the 19th Century
Block Laurie 1995
Conway, MA filmmaker Television documentary on the Mexican War
Block Laurie 2007
Conway, MA filmmaker Documentary about Helen Keller
Blondheim Menahem 1987-88
Harvard University Ph.D. candidate The News Frontier
Blum Hester 2004-5
Penn State University assistant professor "The View from the Mast-Head: Antebellum American Sea Narrative and the Maritime Imagination"
Blumenthal Susanna 2016-17
University of Minnesota professor of law and associate professor of history Humbug: A Legal History
Boggs Colleen 2015-16
Dartmouth College professor Civil War Substitutes: How the Military Draft Changed American Literature
Bolker Jamie 2018-19
Fordham University Ph.D. candidate in English Lost and Found: Wayfinding in Early American Literature and Culture
Bolker Jamie 2021-22
Newberry Library independent scholar Lost and Found: Wayfinding in Early America
Bollettino Maria 2005-6
University of Texas, Austin Ph.D. candidate Slaves and Slavery in the Seven Years' War
Bollettino Maria 2013-14
Framingham State University assistant professor Slavery, War, and Britain's Atlantic Empire: Black Soldiers, Sailors, and Rebels in the Seven Years' War
Bonica Joseph 2009-10
Middle Tennessee State University visiting assistant professor Open Secrets: The Cultural Politics of Secrecy and the Formation of the Early American Republic
Bonneau Nicholas 2015-16
University of Notre Dame Ph.D. candidate Unspeakable Loss: North America's Invisible Throat Distemper Epidemic of 1735-1765
Bonner Robert 1998-99
University of Southern Maine assistant professor Newspapers and the Confederate Sphere
Bonner Robert 2006-7
Dartmouth College visiting assistant professor Crossings to Freedom: Fugitive Slaves and the Completion of American Liberty
Boonshoft Mark 2016-17
New York Public Library post-doctoral research fellow Monarchical Education and the Making of the American Republic, 1730-1812
Boos Lance 2018-19
Stony Brook University Ph.D. candidate in history The Development of a British Atlantic Musical Marketplace in the Eighteenth Century
Booth Jonathon 2016-17
Harvard University PhD candidate Criminal Law and Post-Emancipation Society in the Atlantic World
Bornstein Sandra 1996
Columbia Grammar and Preparatory School, New York, NY teacher The American Reaction to Darwin's Theory of Evolution
Bouldin Elizabeth 2022-23
Florida Gulf Coast University associate professor of history Teachers of the Light: Quaker Women Educators in the Age of Reason
Boutelle RJ 2014-15
Vanderbilt University Ph.D. candidate in English Transamerican Visions of Freedom and the Circuits of U.S. Abolitionism
Bowden Ann 1992-93
University of Texas, Austin Ransom scholar A Descriptive and Historical Bibliography of Sir Walter Scott, 1792-1836
Bowen Nancy 2012
Jay and Deborah Last
Brooklyn, NY mixed media artist Series of collages titled "Angels and Almanacs"
Bramen Carrie 2009-10
SUNY Buffalo associate professor American Niceness: The Making of a National Type in Nineteenth-Century Culture
Branson Susan 2011-12
Syracuse University associate professor Animal Magnetism: Science and Pseudo-science in American Society, 1800-1860
Braude Ann 1985-86
Yale University PhD candidate Women in American Spiritualism
Braun Juliane 2008-9
Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz Ph.D. candidate Petit Paris en Amérique? – French Theatrical Culture in Nineteenth-Century Louisiana
Braun Juliane 2022-23
Auburn University assistant professor of English Translating the Pacific: Nature Writing, Print Culture, and the Making of Transoceanic Empire
Brekke-Aloise Linzy 2003-4
Harvard University Ph.D. candidate Fashioning a Republic: Consumption, Clothing, and American Culture, 1776-1836
Brekus Catherine 1991-92
Yale University Ph.D. candidate Female Preaching and Evangelical Religion in America, 1740-1840
Brevoort Deborah 2012
North Bergen, NJ playwright Research for a historical play about George and Martha Washington and the role of fashion in shaping American identity
Brewer Priscilla 1984-85
Brown University Ph.D. candidate Technology and Domestic Ideology in the Nineteenth-Century
Bright Anders 2022-23
University of Pennsylvania PhD candidate in history Luck’s Metropolis; Lotteries, Finance, and Class in New York, 1780-1830
Brill Amy 2005
Brooklyn, NY writer Movement of the Stars: A fictional account of a female astronomer in the early 1800s Nantucket
Brock Geoffrey 2001
Fayetteville, Arkansas poet Voices Bright Flags: Poems based on American historical events
Brodie Janet 1988-89
California State Polytechnic University lecturer Women and Freethought in the US , 1820-60
Brooke John 1982-83
Amherst College visiting assistant professor Worcester County Politics, 1789-1840
Brooks Lisa 2001-2
Cornell University Ph.D. Candidate Recovering the Voices of Our Ancestors
Brooks Lisa 2022-23
Mellon Distinguished Scholar-in-Residence
Amherst College Henry S. Poler '59 Presidential Teaching Professor of English and American Studies Tracking Molsemsis: An Environmental History of Eastern Coyotes
Broomall James 2022-23
Shepherd University assistant professor of history Battle Pieces: The Art and Artifacts of the American Civil War Era
Brown Candy 1998-99
Harvard University Ph.D. candidate Salt to the World: A Cultural History of Evangelical Reading, Writing, and Publishing Practices in Mid-Nineteenth-Century America
Brown Dona 1986-87
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute visiting instructor Tourism in New England
Brown Joshua 2011-12
Drawn to Art
The Graduate Center, City University of New York executive director Studies in the Visual Culture of the American Civil War
Brown Kathleen 1997-98
Mellon Postdoctoral
University of Pennsylvania assistant professor Foul Bodies and Infected Worlds: Cleanliness and Cultural Authority in Early Modern England and America, 1500-1900
Brown Lois 2000
Howard University Ford Foundation postdoctoral fellow Made to Sell, Made to Save: The Black Child in American Anti-Slavery Literature
Brown Lois 2000-1
Mount Holyoke College assistant professor 'Made to Sell, Made to Save': The Black Child in American Anti-Slavery Literature
Brown Richard 1977-78
University of Connecticut professor Communications Networks in Pre-Industrial America
Brown Richard 1992-93
University of Connecticut professor The Idea of an Informed Citizenry in Early America,1650-1865
Brown Thomas 1990-91
University of Detroit Mercy assistant professor The Routinization of Charisma in the Early Democratic Part
Brown Thomas 2003-4
University of South Carolina associate professor The Reconstruction of American Memory: Civic Monuments of the Civil War
Browne Katrina 2000
Berkeley, CA filmmaker Traces of the Trade: Research on the history and legacy of the slave trade in New England
Broyles Michael 1989-90
University of Maryland, Baltimore professor From Psalmody to Symphony: How American Musical Attitudes Developed in Antebellum Boston
Bruce Emily C. 2023-24
University of Minnesota Morris associate professor of history Siblings on the Move: German, Irish, and French Canadian Families, 1840–1930
Brückner Martin 1998-99
University of Delaware assistant professor The Culture of Geographic Letters in Early America
Bryer Rebekah 2020-21
Northwestern University Ph.D. candidate in theater National Acts: Performance, Commemoration, and the Construction of National Identity in the Aftermath of the Civil War
Brylowe Thora 2017-18
University of Colorado, Boulder assistant professor Impressions and Folds: The Ecology of Romantic-Era Paper
Buchkoski Courtney 2018-19
University of Oklahoma Ph.D. candidate in English Benevolent Colonization: Emigration Aid and the American West, 1820-1880
Bullock Steven 1992-93
Worcester Polytechnic Institute associate professor American Freemasonry
Burd Camden 2018-19
University of Rochester Ph.D. candidate in history The Ornament of Empire: Nurserymen and the Making of the American Landscape
Burge Daniel J. 2023-24
Kentucky Historical Society associate editor in research and collections The Washington Doctrine, A Continental History, 1800-1920
Burke Martin 1994-95
University College, Galway, Ireland lecturer Signs of the Cross: Protestants, Catholics, and the Construction of Religious Identities in America, 1700-1800
Burnham Michelle 2011-12
Santa Clara University professor The Calculus of Risk: Temporality in the Revolutionary Atlantic and Pacific
Burns Martha 1993-94
Brown University Ph.D. candidate A Piano in the Parlor: Music and Gentility in America 1790-1860
Burstein Andrew 1997-98
University of Northern Iowa assistant professor Sentimental Democracy: The Evolution of America’s Romantic Self-Image
Bush Jr. Sargent 2002-3
University of Wisconsin, Madison professor The Type of the Good Hearer in Puritan Theory and Practice
Bushman Claudia 1991-92
independent scholar America Discovers Columbus
Bushman Claudia 2014-15
Mellon Distinguished Scholar in Residence
Columbia University professor of American studies emerita Boston in 1870
Bushman Richard 2014-15
Mellon Distinguished Scholar in Residence
Columbia University Gouverneur Morris Professor of History emeritus Farmers in the Production of the Nation
Butler Leslie 1998-99
Reed College visiting assistant professor James Russell Lowell and the Cultural Politics of Antebellum American Nationalism
Butterfield Kevin 2017-18
University of Oklahoma associate professor The Great Excitement
Bynum Tara 2016-17
Rutgers University postdoctoral fellow in English Reading Pleasures
Cable Mary 1989-90
freelance writer Early history of the Massachusetts Bay Colony
Cable Mary 1990-91
freelance writer Early history of the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
Caison Gina 2011-12
University of California, Davis Ph.D. candidate 'To the Dear Reader': Rhetorical Audiences and Histories in Boudinot, Simms, and the Antebellum Newspaper
Caison Gina 2016-17
Georgia State University associate professor of English Feather
Caldwell Robert 2020-21
Southwest Louisiana Technical Community College assistant professor of history and geography Indians in their Proper Place: Social Sciences and the Mapping of Native America
Call Wendy 2010
Seattle, WA non-fiction writer Series of literary essays about the grieving process
Campbell Emahunn 2013-14
University of Massachusetts, Amherst Ph.D. candidate The Construction of the Black Criminal
Canup John 1990-91
Texas A&M University assistant professor New England Culture and the Pacific
Carbonell Caylin 2019-20
William & Mary Ph.D. candidate in history At Home in My Master’s House: Household, Labor, and Authority in Early New England
Carbonell Caylin 2020-21
College of William & Mary Ph.D. candidate in history ’At Home in My Master’s House’: Household, Labor, and Authority in Early New England
Carlebach Michael 1986-87
University of Miami assistant professor The Origins of Photojournalism in America, 1839-80
Carlson Hannah 2006-7
Boston University Ph.D. candidate In the Company of Books: Reading the Pocket Companion
Carlson-Bradley Martha 2008
Hillsborough, NH poet Begin with Trouble: A collection of poems inspired by the 1727 New England Primer
Carmody Todd 2016-17
Harvard University lecturer Racial Handicap: Uplift and Rehabilitation in Postbellum America
Carp Benjamin 2001-2
University of Virginia Ph.D. candidate Cityscapes and Revolution: Urban Spaces and Revolutionary Mobilization in North America, 1740-1790
Carpenter Stephanie 2015
Hancock, MI fiction writer Many and Wide Separations: Two novellas that focus on fictional female artists in mid-nineteenth-century New England
Carr Ryan 2013-14
Yale University Ph.D. candidate Arts and Sciences of American Expression: 1820-1890
Carroll Bret 1997-98
University of Texas, Arlington visiting assistant professor Religion and Masculinity in Antebellum America
Carroll Brian 2008-9
University of Connecticut Ph.D. candidate "Military Masculinities in New England: Anglo-American and Native-American Soldiers, 1689-1763."
Carroll Brian 2015-16
Central Washington University assistant professor of history Burning the Hearts of the Dead: Medicine, Migration, and New England Vampire Belief, 1782-1819
Carroll Julia 2022-23
Boston University PhD candidate in American & New England Studies The Protestant Sanctioning of Race-Based Slavery in Language & Landscape in the Anglo-American South, 1739-1791
Carter Michael 2005-6
University of Southern California Ph.D. candidate Mathew Carey and the Public Emergence of Roman Catholicism in the United States, 1789-1839
Carter Sarah 2007-8
Harvard University Ph.D. candidate "Object Lessons in Nineteenth-Century America"
Casey Jim 2015-16
University of Delaware Ph.D. candidate Editing a Revolution in Newspaper Printing, 1847-1849
Casmier-Paz Lynn 2009-10
University of Central Florida associate professor Slave Literacy, Children's Textbooks, and Antebellum Education
Casper Scott 1990-91
Yale University Ph.D. candidate The Cultural and Literary Contexts of Antebellum Campaign Biography and Children's Biography
Casper Scott 1998-99
University of Nevada, Reno associate professor First Families: Presidents at Home in the American Imagination, 1789-20
Cassedy Tim 2010-11
New York University Ph.D. candidate The Character of Communication, 1790-1810
Castagna JoAnn 1990-91
University of Iowa academic advisor Women, Sexuality, and Popular Culture: Sensation Novels andGender Ideology in Nineteenth-Century Newspapers
Castiglia Christopher 2012-13
Mellon Distinguished Scholar in Residence
Pennsylvania State University liberal arts research professor of English The Practices of Hope and other Romantic Dispositions
Cataldo Melanie 2020
Worcester, MA illustrator The Making: An illustrated novel that focuses on the struggle of two young girls living by 19th century standards in mid 20th century New England
Cave Roderick 1976-77
University of the West Indies professor A History of Printing in the West Indies
Chakravarty Urvashi 2014-15
University of Hawaii at Manoa Assistant Professor of English Serving Like a Free Man: Labor, Liberty, and Consent in Early Modern England
Chaparro-Silva Alexander 2023-24
The University of Texas at Austin PhD candidate in history Writing the Other America: Democracy, Race, and Print Culture in the Americas, 1830-1898
Chapin Chloe 2019-20
Harvard University Ph.D. candidate in American studies The False Universal of Nineteenth-Century Formal Attire: Uniformity, Masculinity, and Power
Charbeneau Brett 1995-96
Colonial Williamsburg Foundation journeyman printer Williamsburg Imprints Program
Chavigny Katherine 1993-94
University of Chicago Ph.D. candidate American Confessions: The Formation of Antebellum Addiction Narratives
Chen Xi 2010-11
University of Washington, Seattle Ph.D. candidate The Life and Times of John B. Gough
Cheng Irene 2017-18
California College of Arts assistant professor The Shape of Utopia
Chernos Lin Rachel 2002-3
Brown University Ph.D. candidate The Rhode Island Slave Traders and their Communities, 1750-1807
Chernos Lin Rachel 2002-3
Brown University Ph.D. candidate The Rhode Island Slave Traders and their Communities, 1750-1807
Childs Greg 2018-19
Brandeis University assistant professor of history Scenes of Sedition: Racial Politics in Bahia during the Age of Revolution
Chiles Katy 2014-15
University of Tennessee assistant professor of English Raced Collaboration: The Idea of Authorship and Early African American and Native American Literature
Chopra Ruma 2006-7
University of California at Davis Ph.D. candidate Loyalist Persuasions: New York City, 1776-1783
Chow Juliana 2017-18
Saint Louis University associate professor of English Lacunae: Vital Language and the Casualties of Natural History
Christ Birte 2012-13
Justus-Liebig-University Giessen assistant professor A Systematic Survey of Anti-Gallows Poetry in the Democratic Review, The Hangman/The Prisoners' Friend, and Selected Periodicals from 1842-1849
Chu Jonathan 1987-88
University of Massachusetts, Boston associate professor Where's Mine?: Debt in Post-Revolutionary Massachusetts
Chudacoff Howard 1974-75
Brown University assistant professor The Effect of Industrialization and Urbanization upon Family Structure in Nineteenth-Century Worcester
Chudacoff Howard 2000-1
Brown University professor Children and Their Styles of Play, 1750-1880
Chuong Jennifer 2016-17
Drawn to Art
Harvard University Ph.D. candidate Marbling and Projection in Early American Bindings
Clapper Michael 1992-93
Northwestern University Ph.D. candidate The 'Popular' and 'Elite' Disjunction in Art in the United States after the Civil War
Clark Charles 1980-81
University of New Hampshire professor emeritus A Comparative Study of English and American Journalism,1665-1765
Clark Charles 1985-86
University of New Hampshire professor emeritus The Public Prints: An Essay in Anglo-American Journalistic Origins
Clark Christopher 1982-83
York College lecturer Economy and Culture in Rural Massachusetts, 1790-1860
Clark Christopher 1990-91
University of York lecturer in history To Live in the Common Cause: Communal and Cooperative Groups in Nineteenth-Century America
Clark Justin 2012-13
University of Southern California Ph.D. candidate Training the Eyes: Romantic Vision and Class Formation in Boston, 1830-1870
Clark Thomas 2005-6
University of Kassel assistant professor Toquevillian Moments: Transatlantic Visions of an American Republican Culture
Clarke Frances 2012-13
University of Sydney lecturer Minors in the Military: A History of Child Soldiers from the Revolution to the Civil War
Clavin Matthew 2003-4
American University Ph.D. candidate Men of Color, to Arms!
Clayton Alexander David 2022-23
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor PhD candidate in history The Living Animal: Biopower and Empire in the Atlantic Menagerie, 1760-1890
Clytus Radiclani 2009-10
Tufts University assistant professor Envision Slavery: American Abolitionism and the Primacy of the Visual
Cobb David 1973-74
Mellon short-term fellow
University of Indiana librarian Bibliography of maps for the New England states
Cockrell Dale 1983-84
Middlebury College assistant professor The Journals of the Hutchinson Family
Cockrell Dale 1994-95
College of William and Mary David N. and Margaret C. Bottoms professor Demons of Disorder: The Early Blackface Minstrel and His World
Coclanis Peter 1977-78
Columbia University Ph.D. candidate Economy and Society in Colonial Charleston
Coens Thomas 2002-3
Harvard University Ph.D. candidate The Formation of the Jackson Party, 1822 - 1829
Cohen Daniel 1992-93
Florida International University assistant professor Beyond Domesticity: Literary Images of Working-Class Women, 1790-1860
Cohen Daniel 2007-8
Case Western Reserve University associate professor Burning the Charlestown Convent: Private Lives, Public Outrage, and Contested Memory in Nineteenth-Century America
Cohen Joanna 2007-8
University of Pennsylvania Ph.D. candidate "'Millions of Luxurious Citizens': Consumption and citizenship in New York and Philadelphia, 1815-1876"
Cohen Kenneth 2006-7
University of Delaware Ph.D. candidate 'To Give Good Sport': The Making and Meaning of Sporting Leisure in Early America, 1750-1840
Cohen Lara 2008-9
Wayne State University assistant professor Notes from Underground: Nineteenth-Century American Print Subcultures
Cohen Lara 2011-12
Wayne State University assistant professor Counterfeit Presentments: Fraud and the Production of Nineteenth-Century American Literature
Cohen Lester 1981-82
Purdue University associate professor The Origins of American Liberalism, 1780-1820
Cohen Michael 2005-6
New York University Ph.D. candidate Poetic Discourses in America, 1870-1915
Cohen Patricia 1977-78
UC Santa Barbara assistant professor Americans and Numbers
Cohen Patricia 1987-88
UC Santa Barbara associate professor Safety and Danger: Women in Public
Cohen Patricia 2001-2
Mellon Distinguished Scholar in Residence
University of California, Santa Barbara professor Thomas Low Nichols and Mary Gove Nichols: Sex and Marriage Reform in the 1840s
Cokinos Christopher 1998
Manhattan, KS creative writer Hope is the Thing With Feathers
Cole Phyllis 2004-5
Penn State Delaware County professor Feminist Writers and the Periodical Press in Antebellum America
Coleman Dawn 2006-7
University of Tennessee assistant professor Preaching and the Rise of the American Novel
Coleman William 2015-16
Washington University in St. Louis postdoctoral fellow Domestic Bliss: The Artist and the Country House in Nineteenth-Century America
Collier Jessica 2010-11
University of California, Irvine Ph.D. candidate The Transcendental Classroom: Childhood Education and Literary Culture in Antebellum America
Conger Vivian 1989-90
Cornell University Ph.D. candidate Being Weak of Body but Firm of Mind and Memory: Widowhood in Colonial America, 1630-1750
Conrad Barbara 1994
California High School, San Ramon, California teacher American Music
Conrad JoAnn 2017-18
California State University, East Bay adjunct professor Women's Work: Women Illustrators in Commercial Media during the Golden Age of Illustration
Cook Jonathan 1998-99
The Apocalyptic Imagination in the American Renaissance
Cooke Nym 1982-83
Eagle Hill School Lives of the Psalmodists
Cooke Nym 1992-93
Eagle Hill School Sacred Music in New England, 1720-1780: From Ritual Towards Art
Cooke Nym 2020-21
independent scholar Inventory of American Sacred Music Imprints and Manuscripts through 1820
Cooley Nicole 1999
New York, NY poet The Afflicted Girls: A book of poetry about the Salem witch trials
Cooper Abigail 2016-17
Brandeis University assistant professor of history ‘Lord, Until I Reach My Home’: Inside the Refugee Camps of the American Civil War
Cooper Benjamin 2011-12
Washington University in St Louis lecturer Writing American Soldiers: Nineteenth-Century Varieties of Military Experience
Cooper Cecilio 2021-22
Tulane University visiting assistant professor of English South of Heaven: Surface, Territory, and the Black Chthonic
Corcoran Abigail 2022-23
University of Wisconsin, Madison PhD candidate in history Juvenile Reform Societies in the Antebellum United States
Corman Catherine 2000-1
Harvard University assistant professor Reading, Writing, and Removal: Native American Literacies, 1820-1851
Cornell Saul 1987-88
University of Pennsylvania Andrew W. Mellon Fellow The Political Thought and Culture of the Antifederalists
Corrigan John 1990-91
University of Virginia assistant professor Reason, Passion, and Religion in the Eighteenth Century
Cotlar Seth 1997-98
Northwestern University Ph.D. candidate In Paine's Absence: The Europeanization of American Political Thought, 1787-1803
Cotlar Seth 2015-16
Willamette University professor When the Olden Days Were New: A Cultural History of Nostalgia in Modernizing America, 1776-1860
Couch Daniel 2020-21
United States Air Force Academy assistant professor of English American Fragments: The Political Aesthetic of Literary Ruins in the Early Republic
Countryman Edward 1983-84
Warwick University senior lecturer Liberty, Liberalism, and the Making of Republican America
Couto Nancy Vieira 1995
Ithaca, NY poet Book of poems and prose pieces on America Vesspucci
Coward John 2010-11
University of Tulsa associate professor Cartooning with Savages: A Cultural History of Native American Images in the Popular Press
Crabtree Sarah 2013-14
San Francisco State University assistant professor of history Walled Gardens: The Society of Friends, Nationalism, and the Common School, 1770-1840
Crain Patricia 1992-93
Columbia University Ph.D. candidate Cultures of Reading in the American Renaissance
Crain Patricia 1997-98
Princeton University assistant professor The Story of A: Alphabetization and American Literature from The New England Primer to The Scarlet Letter
Crain Patricia 2005-6
University of Minnesota associate professor Spectral Literacy: Children, Property, and Media in the Nineteenth Century United States
Crane Jacob 2013-14
Tufts University Ph.D. candidate Barbary Captivity, Africa, and American Children’s Literature
Crawford Nicholas 2018-19
Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse postdoctoral fellow Sustaining Slavery: Plantation Provisioning and the Politics of Health in the British Caribbean, c. 1775-1838
Crawford Nicholas 2021-22
Washington University in St. Louis postdoctoral fellow Sustaining Slavery
Crawford Richard 1972-73
U.S. Steel Foundation
University of Michigan assistant professor A Bibliography of American Sacred Music Imprints Through 1810
Crawford Richard 1973-74
Mellon short-term fellow
University of Michigan assistant professor A Bibliography of American Sacred Music Imprints Through 1810.
Cressy David 1980-81
Claremont Graduate School visiting associate professor Literacy and Its Uses in Early America
Crosby Sara 2005-6
University of Notre Dame Ph.D. candidate The Female Poisoner and Popular Print Media in New England, 1840-1860
Cross Anne 2020-21
University of Delaware Ph.D. candidate in art history 'Features of Cruelty Which Could Not Well Be Described by the Pen': The Media of Atrocity in Harper’s Weekly, 1862-1866
Crossley Alice 2020-21
University of Lincoln assistant professor of English and journalism Affect and Identity in Nineteenth-Century Valentines
Crosslin Ursula 2009-10
Ohio State University Ph.D. candidate The Institution of the American Church Choir in Philadelphia, 1760-1860
Croxall Christine 2012-13
University of Delaware Ph.D. candidate Holy Waters: Lived Religion, Identity, and Loyalty along the Mississippi River, 1780-1830
Cullon Joseph 2000-1
University of Wisconsin, Madison PhD candidate The Work of Many Hands: Ships and the Economic Culture of Early New England
Cullon Joseph 2005-6
Dartmouth College assistant professor Colonial Shipwrights and their World: Men, Women, and Markets in Early New England
Cummins Maureen 2000
Bearsville, NY book artist Anthro(A)pology
Curd Mary Bryan 2010-11
Drawn to Art
Harrison Middleton University tutor Facing Death: Portraiture and Mourning Ritual in America, 1775-1850
D'Alessandro Michael 2012-13
Boston University Ph.D. candidate Staged Readings: Sensationalism and Audience in Popular American Literature and Theater, 18230-1870
D'Amore Maura 2007-8
Drawn to Art
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Ph.D. candidate "Suburban Men: Masculine Domesticity in Nineteenth-Century America"
Daly Ann 2018-19
Brown University PhD candidate in history Hard Money: The Making of a Specie Currency, 1828-1846
Daly Ann 2021-22
Mississippi State University assistant professor of history Minting America: The Politics, Technology and Culture of Money in the Early United States
Dancy Deborah 2002
Storrs, CT painter The Conjurer's Apprentice or The Legend of Yellow Mary: A Slave Girl's Tale of Survival by her Wit and Extraordinary Powers, as written by herself
Danger Sara 2022-23
Valparaiso University associate professor of English In Their Own Words: Child Writers and the Nineteenth-Century Press
Daniel Marcus 1992-93
Princeton University Ph.D. candidate Ribaldry and Billingsgate: Popular Journalism and Political Culture in the Early Republic
Davidson Ben 2015-16
New York University Ph.D. candidate Freedom's Generation: Coming of Age in the Era of Emancipation
Davidson Ben 2023-24
Saint Michael's College Visiting scholar in history Freedom's Generation: Coming of Age in the Era of Emancipation
Davidson Cathy 1984-85
Michigan State University associate professor The Origins of American Fiction
Davis Elliot 1990-91
Harvard University teaching assistant American Drawing Books, 1820-80: Practical Guides for Artist and Artisan
Davis Thomas 1980-81
Kent State University professor An Edition of Edward Taylor's Harmony of the Gospels
Davison Nancy R. 1977-78
University of Michigan Ph.D. candidate EW Clay, American Political Caricaturist of the Jacksonian Era
Dayton Cornelia 1991-92
UC Irvine associate professor Madness, Dependency, and Gender in Early New England
Dayton Cornelia 2004-5
University of Connecticut associate professor Self and Sanity in Early New England
de Galzain Alice 2023-24
University of Edinburgh PhD candidate in English Literature Recounting the Lives of Women Writers: Emerson on Fuller, Godwin on Wollstonecraft, and Sand on Sand
Deaderick John 1996
Pliocene Ridge High School, North San Juan, California teacher Images and Ideas of the American Frontier as Expressed on the Professional Stage, 1825-1875
Dean Bradley 1987-88
University of Connecticut Ph.D. candidate Thoreau as Lecturer
Deese Helen 1998-99
Mellon Postdoctoral
Tennessee Technological University professor emerita The Journals of Caroline Healey Dall
DeFord Deborah 1996
Branford, CT writer Young adult novel about the female American Revolutionary soldier Deborah Sampson Gannett
Deibel Natalie 2011-12
George Washington University Ph.D. candidate 'For Profit, Pleasure, and Sport': Recreation, Culture, and Society in the Atlantic World, 1600-1800
Delahaye Agnès 2015-16
Jenny d’Héricourt
University of Lyon II—Lumiere lecturer in anglophone studies John Winthrop’s Legacy in the Historiography of Massachusetts
Delamaire Marie-Stéphanie 2009-10
Columbia University Ph.D. candidate Transatlantic Encounters: Franco-American Artistic Exchanges, 1848-1867
Dellinger Matt 2016
Brooklyn, NY non-fiction writer and digital artist The Brooklyn 14th Regiment
DeLombard Jeannine 2001-2
University of Puget Sound assistant professor At the Bar of Public Opinion: Black Testimony and White Advocacy in Antebellum Literary Abolitionism
DeLombard Jeannine 2007-8
University of Toronto associate professor Ebony Idols: Famous Fugitive Slaves in Britain before the Civil War
DeLucia Christine 2011-12
Yale University Ph.D. candidate Making Past and Place in the Northeast after King Philip's War (1675-78)
DeLucia Christine 2015-16
Mount Holyoke College assistant professor The Itineraries: Seasons of History in the Native Northeast and Ezra Stiles' New England
Delwiche Theodore 2022-23
Yale University PhD candidate in history The Contested Classics
Demos John 2011-12
Mellon Distinguished Scholar in Residence
Yale University Samuel Knight Professor of History Emeritus The Heathen School: A Story of Hope and Betrayal in the Age of the Early Republic
Den Hartog Jonathan 2012-13
Northwestern College associate professor Transatlantic Antijacobinism
Depkat Volker 2010-11
University of Regensburg professor The Visualization of Legitimacy
Dev Roy Shaibal 2023-24
University of Southern California PhD candidate in English Publishing Americans in Nineteenth-Century India
Deyle Steven 2009-10
University of Houston associate professor Honorable Men: Isaac Bolton, Nathan Bedford Forrest, and the Murder of James McMillan
Di Loreto Sonia 2016-17
University of Torino associate professor Margaret Fuller’s Transnational Archive
Di Loreto Sonia 2022-23
Universita di Torino associate professor of foreign languages and literature Cristina di Belgiojoso and the New York Daily Tribune: Asia Minor and Cosmopolitan Utopianism in American Periodical Publications, 1840-1860
DiCuirci Lindsay 2013-14
University of Maryland assistant professor History's Imprint: The Colonial Book and the Writing of American History, 1790-1855
Dierks Konstantin 1998-99
Brown University Ph.D. candidate Letter Writing, Gender, and the Middling Sort in America, 1750-1800
DiGirolamo Vincent 2000-1
Colgate University assistant professor Crying the News: A History of America's Newsboys
DiIorio Gino 2007
New York, NY playwright Research into life of Edmund Ross, southern politician who cast the deciding vote, insuring that President Andrew Johnson would be spared impeachment
Dillon Elizabeth 2010-11
Northeastern University associate professor Gender, Sex, and Modernity: Geographies of Reproduction in the Eighteenth-Century Atlantic World
Dippold Steffi 2013-14
Stanford University lecturer Plain as in Primitive
Dippold Steffi 2020-21
Kansas State University associate professor of English Plain as in Primitive: The Figure of the Native in Early America, 1640-1700
Dobson Joanne 2004
Berkeley, CA writer The Kashmiri Shawl: A historical novel set in New York City, 1860
Draper Mary 2016-17
University of Virginia Ph.D. candidate The Urban World of the Early Modern British Caribbean
Dudden Faye 1988-89
Union College assistant professor Gender in Performance: Women in the American Theater, 1790-1870
Dudden Faye 2003-4
Colgate University professor The Favored Hour: Politics, Culture, and the New York Women's Movement, 1860-1870
Duffy Barbara 1995
School of the Osage R-11 teacher Teaching History and Methods of Research through the Broadside Ballad
Duffy Kathrinne 2017-18
Brown University Ph.D. candidate Doctrine of the Skull: Phrenology and Public Culture in Nineteenth-Century America
Dun James 2014-15
Princeton University assistant professor of history Dangerous Neighbors
Duncan Russell 1993-94
John Carroll University assistant professor Joshua Fights the Civil War: James Montgomery, 'Bleeding Kansas,' and Black Equality
Dungy Camille 2005
Colorado State University poet Suck on the Marrow
Dunn Thomas 1998
Henniker, NH playwright Research for a play about Winslow Homer and his early career,1856-1875
Dupey James 2016-17
Arizona State University
Arizona State University Ph.D. candidate Editor as Clergy: The Power of Print in the Stone-Campbell Movement
Durrow Heidi 2007
Los Angeles, CA fiction writer Research for novel about Miss Lala, famous strongwoman, circus aerialist and acrobat of the Victorian era
Dwyer Annie 2015-16
University of Washington part-time lecturer Pets and Punishment in American Children's Literature
Dykstra Robert 1985-86
SUNY, Albany professor Iowans and White Supremacy, 1838-1880
Eager Elizabeth 2015-16
Drawn to Art
Harvard University Ph.D. candidate Drawing Machines: The Mechanics of Art in the Early Republic
Eastman Carolyn 1997-98
Johns Hopkins University Ph.D. candidate A Nation of Speechiers: Oratory, Print, and the Making of Gendered American Public, 1780-1850
Eastman Carolyn 2008-9
University of Texas assistant professor "Learning to See: Gender in the Eighteenth-Century Atlantic World."
Eastman Carolyn 2011-12
University of Texas assistant professor Gender in the Eighteenth-Century Atlantic World of Print
Echols Paul 1978-79
New York University Ph.D. candidate The Development of Revival Music in the US: 1820-1860
Edelstein Sari 2008-9
Brandeis University Ph.D. candidate The Novel & the News: Women and the Politics of U.S. Print Culture before 1900.
Egan Maureen 2022
Richmond, VA creative writers Research for nonfiction picture book for school-aged children about the life and work of Ruth Henshaw Bascom, 19th-century folk artist
Egloff Jennifer 2009-10
New York University Ph.D. candidate Popular Numeracy in Early Modern England and British North America
Eisenstadt Peter 1984
New York University Ph.D. candidate Weather and Weather Prediction in Colonial America
Elkins Ansel 2012
Greensboro, NC poet A collection of poems about the lives of 19th-century conjoined twins Chang and Eng Bunker and Millie-Christine McKoy
Elkins Kimberly 2007
New York, NY fiction writer What is Visible: A novel about the lives of Laura Bridgman and Julia Ward Howe
Ellis Mary Beth 2011
Jay and Deborah Last
Cincinnati, OH non-fiction writer PBS documentary under development by historian and author Richard Brookhiser about theory that Hamilton and other Founding Fathers were "proto-bloggers"
Elrick Krista 2016
Last Jay and Deborah Last (artist)
Santa Fe, NM photographer A Country No More: Rediscovering the Landscapes of John James Audubon
Emerson D. Berton 2016-17
Pomona College visiting assistant professor of English Local Rules: Vernacular Aesthetics and Alternative Democracies in Antebellum Print Culture
Erben Patrick 2019-20
University of West Georgia professor of English The German Pietist Origins of the American Self
Erhard Katharina 2004-5
University of Regensburg Ph.D. candidate 'An Empire in Many Respects the Most Interesting in the World': Choreographies of Empire in Early American Plays
Erickson Paul 1998-99
University of Texas, Austin Ph.D. candidate Welcome to Sodom: The Cultural Work of the American City-Mysteries Novel, 1840-1860
Erkkila Betsy 2014-15
Northwestern University professor of English Imagining the Revolution: Literature and Politics in Insurrectionary America
Etter Lukas 2016-17
University of Siegen Post-doctoral Research Fellow 'Word Problems': Popular and Educational Discourses on Mathematics in the Pre-Civil War United States
Etter Lukas 2019-20
University of Siegen assistant professor of English 'Word Problems’: Popular, Literary, and Educational Discourses on Mathematics in the Pre-Civil War United States
Eustace Nicole 2008-9
New York University assistant professor War Ardor: Sex and Sentiment in the War of 1812
Evelev John 1996-97
Duke University PhD Tolerable Entertainment: Herman Melville, the Literary Profession, and the Cultural Life of Antebellum New York
Everton Michael 2003-4
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Ph.D. candidate Moral Vampires and the Blood of Genius: Vocational Ethics in Early American Literary Culture
Fabian Ann 1994-95
Yale University associate professor Selling Experience: Amateur Authors and Pamphlet Publication inthe Nineteenth-Century US
Fabre Michel 1991-92
University of Paris III professor The Creoles of Color: Cultural Production as a Basis of Group Identity
Fabre-Moreau GeneviŠve 1991-92
University of Paris VII professor Afro-American Feasts and Celebrations in the United States
Fabrega Meganne 2014
Jay and Deborah Last
Portsmouth, NH writer Tell Me a Story: Amy Ella Blanchard and Ida Waugh's World of Girls
Fagal Andrew 2013-14
Binghamton University PhD candidate The Political Economy of War in the Early American Republic
Fagan Benjamin 2008-9
University of Virginia Ph.D. candidate 'Righteousness Exalteth a Nation': Practices of Black Nationalism, 1827-1860.
Fahs Alice 1991-92
New York University PhD candidate Publishing the Civil War: Northern Publishers and the Literary Marketplace of War
Fahs Alice 1995-96
UC Irvine assistant professor Publishing the Civil War: Northern Publishers and the Literary Marketplace of War
Fanning Charles 1981-82
Bridgewater State University associate professor The Irish Voice in America: Nineteenth-Century Fiction
Fanning Sara 2004-5
University of Texas at Austin Ph.D. candidate "The Promised Land: African Americans and Haiti from the Haitian Revolution to 1830"
Farber Hannah 2011-12
University of California, Berkeley Ph.D. candidate The Insurance Industry in the Early Republic
Farrell Jessica 2016-17
University of Minnesota Ph.D. candidate (Re)Capturing Empire: A Reconsideration of Liberia’s Precarious Sovereignty and American Empire as Exception in the Nineteenth Century
Farrell Molly 2012-13
Ohio State University assistant professor Counting Bodies: Imagining Population in English America
Farrell Molly 2022-23
Ohio State University associate professor of English New World Calculation: The Making of Numbers in Colonial America
Faulkner Carol 2014-15
Syracuse University Associate Professor of History The End of Marriage: Adultery in Nineteenth-Century America
Favretti Rudy 1978-79
University of Connecticut professor Landscaping Use of Trees in New England
Fess Paul 2016-17
City University of New York Graduate Center Ph.D. candidate Resonant Texts: The Politics and Practices of Nineteenth-Century African American Music and Print Culture
Fetherston John Patrick M. 2022-23
University of Maryland, College Park PhD candidate in history Taverns, African Americans, and the American Public in the Age of Revolutions
Fidler Ann 1998-99
Ohio State University assistant professor A Cultural History of the American Law Book, 1700-00
Field Corinne 2019-20
University of Virginia associate professor of women, gender, and sexuality Grand Old Women and Modern Girls: Age, Race, and Power in the U.S. Women’s Rights Movement, 1870-1920
Fielder Brigitte 2011-12
Cornell University Ph.D. candidate Animal Humanism: Abolitionists and Animals in the American Nineteenth Century
Finley Alexandra 2022-23
University of Pittsburgh assistant professor of history Forced to Work for Her Own Support: Financial Panic in the Household Economy
Finley James 2012-13
University of New Hampshire Ph.D. candidate 'Violence done to nature': Free Soil and the Environment in Antebellum Antislavery Writing
First Sara Babcox 2005-06
University of Michigan Ph.D. candidate The Mechanics of Renown: Culture and Celebrity in Nineteenth-Century America
Fischer Kirsten 2016-17
University of Minnesota associate professor of history Vitalism in America: Elihu Palmer’s Radical Religion in the Early Republic
Fisher Linford 2007-8
Harvard University Ph.D. candidate "The Politics of Conversion: Indian Agency, Religious Change, and Race in Southern New England, 1736-1775"
Fisher Linford 2014-15
Brown University assistant professor of history The Land of the Unfree: Africans, Indians, and the Varieties of Slavery and Servitude in Colonial New England and the Atlantic World
Fisher Lydia 2005-6
University of Pennsylvania lecturer Domesticating the Nation: American Literature, Exceptionalism, and the Science of Cultivation
Fliegelman Jay 1998-99
Mellon Distinguished Scholar in Residence
Stanford University professor Storied Associations: Books from Important American Libraries, 1650-1860, and the Tales they Tell
Florio Christopher 2014-15
Princeton University Ph.D. candidate in history The Poor Always with You: Poverty in an Age of Emancipation, 1833-1877
Flueckiger Carol 2009
Jay and Deborah Last
Lubbock, TX mixed media artist Mixed media works about feminism and early American reform practices
Fondersmith John 1978-79
Municipal Planning Office, Washington DC chief History of American Travel Guidebooks
Foos Paul 1996-97
Yale University Ph.D. candidate Mexican Wars, 1835-1853: Manifest Destiny and American Society
Forbes Erin 2008-9
Princeton University Ph.D. candidate "Popular Crime Writing and the Publications of David Walker and Edgar Allan Poe."
Ford Bridget 1998-99
UC Davis Ph.D. candidate People of Sorrow, Children of Grace: Race and Religion in the Antebellum West
Ford Bridget 2002-3
University of California, Davis PhD Crossing Over: Religion, Race, and Nation in Civil War America
Ford Margaret 1984-85
Argosy Bookstore, New York City director Ann Franklin, Colonial Newport Printer
Foreman P. Gabrielle 2022
Mellon Distinguished Scholar-in-Residence
Penn State Paterno Family Professor of American Literature and Professor of African American Studies & History Founding Families of the Convention Movement: The Long History of Black Organizing for Civil Rights
Formisano Ronald 1976-77
Clark University associate professor Massachusetts Political Culture, 1790-1840
Formisano Ronald 1991-92
University of Florida professor American Populisms
Forrant Robert F. 2001-02
University of Massachusetts, Lowell Associate Professor Manufacturer to Industrial America: Worcester-area Machine Tool Firms and Skill, 1830-1875
Fosbury Timothy 2020-21
University of California-Los Angeles Ph.D. candidate in english Persistent Futures of Bermudas Past
Foster` Travis 2022-23
Villanova Universit associate professor of English & gender and women's studies Womanish: Variant Femininities Before Gay and Trans
Fouratt Mary Eileen 2022
Richmond, VA creative writer Research for nonfiction picture book for school-aged children about the life and work of Ruth Henshaw Bascom, 19th-century folk artist
Fox Richard Wightman 2000-1
Mellon Postdoctoral
University of Southern California professor American Jesus
Fox Richard Wightman 2005-6
Mellon Distinguished Scholar in Residence
University of Southern California professor Lincoln's Body, Lincoln's Blood: The Death and Life of the Savior President
Fox-Amato Matthew 2011-12
University of Southern California Ph.D. candidate Exposing Humanity: Photographic Dimensions of American Slavery, Antislavery, and Emancipation, 1840s to 1870s
Frang Joanna 2007-8
Brandeis University Ph.D. candidate Becoming American on the Grand Tour, 1750-1830
Frank Caroline 2013-14
Brown University visiting scholar Son of Morning: A Chinese Merchant Visits Early Republican America
Franklin Wayne 1994-95
Northeastern University Davis distinguished professor Biography of James Fenimore Cooper
Franzino Jean 2016-17
Macalester College visiting assistant professor of English Freak Show Aesthetics
Franzino Jean 2022-23
Boston College visiting assistant professor in English Dis-Union: Disability, Narrative, and the American Civil War
Fraser Gordon 2013-14
University of Connecticut Ph.D. candidate Transamerican Revolutions: Liberal Nationalism and the Nineteenth-Century Politics of Violence
Fraser Gordon 2018-19
North Dakota State University assistant professor of English The Hawaiian Creation Chant and the Firm of Lee & Shepard
Fraser Gordon Dennis 2023-24
University of Manchester lecturer in English, American studies, and creative writing Engineering Peace
Freeberg Ernest 1995-96
Colby-Sawyer College assistant professor The Meaning of Blindness in Early America
Freehling William 1989-90
Johns Hopkins University professor The Road to Disunion, Vol 2: Secessionists Triumphant, 1854-61
Freese Lauren 2018-19
University of South Dakota assistant professor of fine arts A Taste for Images: Depictions of Food and Eating in the American Popular Press
French Kara 2011-12
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Ph.D. candidate The Politics of Sexual Restraint: Debates over Chastity in America, 1780-1850
Friedel Robert 1989-90
University of Maryland associate professor Documenting Changes in Household Materials, 1800-87
Friedman Jean 1985-86
University of Georgia associate professor Families at War: Northern and Southern Communities in the Civil War
Friend Craig 2019-20
North Carolina State University professor of history Lullaby of Freedom: Lunsford Lane’s America
Frost Linda 1993-94
Pennsylvania State University, Wilkes-Barre assistant professor The Thrillers of Louisa May Alcott and the Popular Press
Fuhrer Mary 2013-14
independent scholar Tuberculosis and Popular Culture in New England: 1800-1840
Fuhrer Mary 2014-15
independent scholar Tuberculosis and Popular Culture in New England, 1820-1840
Fulton Allison 2022-23
University of California Davis PhD candidate in English Disciplining Craft: The Gendered Making of Nineteenth-Century American Science
Furlanetto Elena 2020-21
University of Duisburg-Essen postdoctoral fellow Converts, Creoles, Renegades: Dynamics of (Dis)ambiguation in Early North American Literature
Gabriel Dexter 2017-18
University of Connecticut assistant professor Performing Freedom in the Mighty Experiment
Gac Scott E. 2001-02
University of New York Ph.D. candidate The Hutchinson Family Singers and the Culture of Antebellum Reform
Gale Mark 1997
Coupeville High School, Coupeville, WA teacher The Rise of the Anti-Slavery Movement in New England and the Role of Free African-Americans
Gallagher Mark 2018-19
University of California, Los Angeles Ph.D. candidate in English 'In the Optative Mood’: Unitarian Optimism and the Transcendental Affects of Peabody, Parker, Emerson, Fuller, and Thoreau
Gammon Catherine 1996
Pittsburgh, PA writer Nightbirds in an Age of Light: A novel about the Salem witchcraft trials
Ganser Alexandra 2009-10
Friedrich-Alexander University, Erlangen-Nuremberg assistant professor (Post)Colonial Economies and Spectacles of Consumption in Transatlantic Narratives of Piracy from the Late 17th Century to 1900
Ganter Granville 2001-02
St. John's assistant professor Pregnant Words: The Matrix of Public Speech in the Northeast, 1840-1860
Garcia John 2015-2016
McNeil Center for Early American Studies, University of Pennsylvania The Age of Biography: Popular History, Printed Lives, and American Mass Culture, 1800-1865
Garcia John 2019-20
Florida State University assistant professor of English Without Order: Booksellers and the Failures of the Early American Book Trade, 1679-1840
Gardner Jared 2000-1
Ohio State University assistant professor The Literary Museum: Periodicals and the Unsettling of American Literature
Garrett Matthew 2011-12
Wesleyan University assistant professor Episodic Poetics in the Early American Republic
Garrison J. 2014-15
University of Delaware professor in the Winterthur Program in American material culture Freight and the Commercial Landscapes of the Atlantic World, 1650-1860
Garvey Ellen 2008-9
New Jersey City University associate professor Book, Paper, Scissors: Scrapbooks Remake American Print Culture.
Garvin Kristina 2017-18
Saint Joseph's University visiting assistant professor Past and Future States: Institutional Time and the Early American Serial, 1780-1820
Gasser Erika 2003-4
University of Michigan Ph.D. candidate The Afflicted Grew Presently Well: Witchcraft and Possession in Old and New England, 1600-1700
Gautier Amina 2013
Chicago, IL fiction writer Band of Gideon: A historical novel about 3 black female members of Gideon's Band, a group of Northern idealist, seminary students, school teachers, and abolitionists who traveled south to help the slaves on the South Carolina Sea Island
Gellman David 2004-5
DePauw University assistant professor "Liberty's Legacy: The Jay Family and the Problems of American Freedom"
George Angela 2007-8
University of Maryland PhD candidate "The Old World: Unearthing Mesoamerican Antiquity in the Art and Culture of the United States, 1839-1893"
Gerk Sarah 2013-14
Oberlin College visiting teacher Irishness in Nineteenth-Century American Music
Gernes Todd 1990-91
Brown University Ph.D. candidate Schoolgirls: Young Women's Literary Culture, Political Expression, and the Aesthetics of Affiliation in Nineteenth-Century America
Gherini Claire 2011-12
Johns Hopkins University Ph.D. candidate 'That Great Experiment': Plantation America and the Remaking of Medicine in the Anglophone Atlantic, 1730-1800
Gibson Alan 1989-90
University of Notre Dame PhD candidate The Development of the Concept of Public Opinion in the American Enlightenment, 1760-1800
Gilbert Ellen 2003-4
Rutgers University independent scholar St. Wulstan Society Papers
Gildrie Richard 1983-84
Austin Peay State professor New England Clerics and Popular Civility, 1679-1740
Gillaspie Caroline 2018-19
CUNY Graduate Center Ph.D. candidate in art history Fueling America: Visual Representations of Nineteenth-Century U.S. Coffee Consumption
Gillespie Sarah 2006-7
Drawn to Art
City University of New York Ph.D. candidate 'One Thing New Under the Sun': The Cross-Currents of Science and Art in the American Daguerreotype, 1839-1850
Gillis Brendan 2016-17
Miami University of Ohio visiting assistant professor Conduits of Justice: Magistrates and the British Imperial State, 1732-1834
Gilmore-Lehne William 1983-84
Richard Stockton College of New Jersey associate professor Reading and the Circulation of Print in Rural New England, 1787-1839
Gilmore-Lehne William 1990-91
Richard Stockton College of New Jersey associate professor The State of Knowledge on the Eve of the Industrial Revolution
Gilmore-Lehne William 1998-99
Richard Stockton College of New Jersey associate professor A Republic of Knowledge: Communications and the Rise of an Age of Reading in America, 1639-1861
Gilpin W. Clark 1982-83
Phillips Theological Seminary associate professor Eighteenth-Century Protestant Concepts of the Church
Ginsberg Elaine 1976-77
West Virginia University associate professor Nineteenth-Century Novels of Female Adolescence
Ginsberg Lesley 1997-98
Stanford University recent Ph.D. The Romance of Dependency: Childhood and the Ideology of Love in American Literature, 1825-1870
Gitelman Lisa 2007-8
Catholic University associate professor Early Photographs of Words Backwards
Gladman Lisa 2007-08
Catholic University associate professor Early Photographs of Words Backwards
Glancy Diane 2020
Shawnee Mission, KS poet Quadrille: A poetry manuscript that explores the effect of Christianity on the Native American
Glassmeyer Danielle 2023-24
Alstott Morgan
Bradley University associate professor of English Other People's Children
Gochberg Reed 2016-17
Boston University Ph.D. candidate Novel Objects: Museums and Scientific Knowledge in Nineteenth-Century American Literature
Goldsby Jacqueline 2000-1
Cornell University assistant professor A Spectacular Secret: The cultural Logic of Lynching in American Literature and Life
Gonzalez Aston 2011-12
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Ph.D. candidate Kneeling and Fighting: African American Artists' Depiction of Black Humanity
Goode Abby 2017-18
Plymouth State University assistant professor Democratic Demographics: a Literary Genealogy of American Sustainability
Goodman Glenda 2010-11
Harvard University Ph.D. candidate Songs Crossing the Atlantic: The Making of Musical Hybrids
Gordon Adam 2011-12
UCLA PhD in English Cultures of Criticism in Antebellum America
Gould Philip 1999-00
Brown University assistant professor A Barbaric Trade: Commerce, Antislavery, and Cultures of Manners in Anglo-America, 1770-1830
Gould Sarah 2008-9
University of Michigan Ph.D. candidate Seeing American: The Visual Representation of Race in Early American Children's Literature and Games
Gowan Emily 2022-23
Boston University PhD candidate in English On the Margins: Steady-Sellers and the Problem of Inequality in Nineteenth-Century America
Gowen Emily 2019-20
Boston University Ph.D. candidate in English and American literature Defoe’s American Readers
Graff Harvey 1988-89
University of Texas, San Antonio professor Conflicting Paths: The Transformations of Growing Up, 1750-20
Graham Maryemma 1990-91
Northeastern University associate professor Afro-American Authorship, 1746-06
Graham Susan 2005-6
University of Minnesota Ph.D. candidate Female Dorrites and Antebellum Partisanship
Grainger Brett 2012-13
Harvard University Ph.D. candidate The Vital Landscape: Evangelicals and Nature in America, 1740-1870
Grandjean Katherine 2017-18
Wellesley College assistant professor of history The Harpe Murders and the Legacies of the American Revolution
Grant Katherine 1994-95
Yale University Ph.D. candidate The Lyceum Movement in America, 1826-1890
Grasso Christopher 1999-00
College of William and Mary associate professor Skepticism and American Faith: The Early Nineteenth Century
Gray Myron 2012-13
University of Pennsylvania Ph.D. candidate French Music in Federal Philadelphia
Green Harvey 1997-98
Northeastern University professor Myth and History in American Literary and Material Culture, 1850-10
Green James 1986-87
Library Company of Philadelphia associate librarian The Book Distribution Network of Mathew Carey, 1785-1820
Green James 1989-90
Library Company of Philadelphia associate librarian The Transformation of the American Book Trade, 1785-1825
Green Nathaniel 2019-20
Northern Virginia Community College associate professor of history The Man of the People: Political Dissent and the Making of the American Presidency
Greenfield Bruce 1989-90
Dalhousie University assistant professor Plotting the Mississippi: A Comparative Study of Eighteenth-Century Discovery Rhetoric
Greenhill Jennifer Ann 2005-6
Yale University Ph.D. Candidate The Plague of Jocularity: Art, Humor, and the American Social Body, 1863-1906
Greenhouse Wendy 1987-88
Yale University Ph.D. candidate Tudors and Stuarts in Antebellum America
Greenspan Ezra 2009-10
Mellon Distinguished Scholar
Southern Methodist University professor William Wells Brown: An African-American Life in Letters
Greenspan Ezra 2016-17
Southern Methodist University Edmund J. and Louise W. Kahn Chair in Humanities and Professor of English The Lives and Times of Frederick Douglass and His Family: A Composite Biography
Grider Phillip 2023-24
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen research associate Nonhuman Agency in Early North American Media
Griffin Sean 2019-20
Lehman College Ph.D. candidate in history Labor, Land, and Freedom: Antebellum Labor Reform and the Rise of Antislavery Politics
Griffith Sally 1992-93
Villanova University associate professor Boosterism in Nineteenth-Century American Newspapers
Grom Brenton 2013-14
Case Western Reserve University Ph.D. candidate The Death and Transfiguration of American Psalmody ca. 1805-1840
Groom Kelle 2011
New Smyrna Beach, FL poet Memoir about Thomas Greenough, the last surviving Wampanoag Indian on the Bass River reservation in South Yarmouth, MA
Gross Jonathan 2007-8
DePaul University professor Thomas Jefferson's Scrapbooks: Prose Clippings
Gross Robert 1984-85
Amherst College associate professor The Ideology of Print: The Book and Social Change in America
Gross Robert 2002-3
Mellon Distinguished Scholar in Residence
College of William and Mary professor The Transcendentalists and Their World
Groves Jeffrey 1995-96
Harvey Mudd College associate professor Ticknor and Fields: Literary Promotion and American Canon Formation, 1840-1865
Groves Jeffrey 2011-12
Harvey Mudd College professor A Practical Study of the Isaiah Thomas Press at the American Antiquarian Society
Grubbs Lindsey 2019-20
Emory University Ph.D. candidate in English Moral Disorders: The Diagnostic Logic of Nineteenth-Century Literature and Medicine
Grummitt Julia 2018-19
Princeton University Ph.D. candidate in history The Great National Work: Visualizing Territory and Race in Nineteenth-Century North America
Grunes Marissa 2019-20
Harvard University Ph.D. candidate in English This Corner in the Wild: Architectural Metaphor in Nineteenth-Century American Literature
Gruntner Holly 2020-21
William & Mary Ph.D. candidate in history 'some people of skil and curiosity': Knowledge and Labor in Early American Gardens, 1650-1820
Guerra Douglas 2014-15
SUNY, Oswego assistant professor of English and creative writing On the Move: Gaming Models for Literary Theory
Guillen Nalleli 2016-17
University of Delaware Ph.D. candidate 'Round the World Every Evening': Panoramic Spectacles, Entertainment Culture, and a Growing Imperial Consciousness in Nineteenth-Century America
Gunn Robert 2008-9
The University of Texas at El Paso assistant professor Ethnology and Empire: John Russell Bartlett and the U.S./Mexico Borderlands
Gura Philip 1989-90
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill William S. Newman Distinguished Professor The Reverend Nathan Fiske and the Cultural Transformation of Central Massachusetts
Gura Philip 1998-99
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill William S. Newman Distinguished Professor America's Instrument: The 19th Century Banjo
Gura Philip 2002-3
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill William S. Newman Distinguished Professor Guitars for all America: C.F. Martin (1796-1873) and the 19th Century Music Trade
Gura Philip 2006-7
Mellon Distinguished Scholar in Residence
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill William S. Newman Distinguished Professor The Club of the Like-Minded: A History of New England Transcendentalism
Guyatt Nicholas 2013-14
University of York, UK assistant professor The Scale of Beings and the Prehistory of 'separate but equal'
Gwartney Debra 2008
Oregon non-fiction writer I am a Stranger Here Myself: A memoir and history of Narcissa Prentiss Whitman and womanhood in the patriarchal American West
Ha Polly 2006-7
University of Cambridge Ph.D. candidate The Decalogue and Formation of Denomination
Haberman Robb 2004-5
University of Connecticut Ph.D. candidate "Magazine Production and the Economics of the Print Trade in Post-Revolutionary America"
Hackenberg Michael 1986-87
University of Chicago assistant professor The Subscription Publishing Phenomenon; William Still's Selling of The Underground Railroad in Philadelphia; The Firm of Deming and Francis in Wethersfield, Conn; The Career of Robert Sears of New York
Hadden Sally 1994-95
University of Toledo associate professor Slave Patrols of the Old South and Newspapers as Disseminators of Legal Information
Hagedorn Nancy 1987-88
College of William and Mary Ph.D. candidate Mediating the Exchange of Cultures: Interpreters among the Iroquois, 1664-1775
Hagedorn Nancy 1998-99
St John's University assistant professor Interpreters Among the Iroquois, 1664-1775
Hagenbuch Gary 1995
West Tatnuck School, Worcester, MA teacher To Develop a Curriculum Unit Based upon Worcester, 1825-1850
Hale Matthew 2000-1
Brandeis University Ph.D. candidate Neither Britons nor Frenchmen: The Creation of American Nationality, 1789-1815
Haley-Newman Megan 1996-97
College of William and Mary Ph.D. candidate Pest Control Strategies and Their Social Implications in the Chesapeake Area, 1600-1800
Hall David 1981-82
Boston University professor History of Popular Culture in Colonial New England
Hall David 2004-5
Mellon Distinguished Scholar in Residence
Harvard University Bartlett Professor of New England Church History A New History of Puritan America
Hall Michael 1975-76
University of Texas professor The Diaries of Increase Mather
Haltman Kenneth 1993-94
Bryn Mawr College postdoctoral fellow The Invention of Ethnographic Portraiture
Halttunen Karen 1987-88
Northwestern University associate professor Murder and the Gothic Imagination in American Culture
Halttunen Karen 1988-89
Northwestern University associate professor Murder and the Gothic Imagination in American Culture
Halttunen Karen 1995-96
UC Davis professor Jacob's Pillows: Natural History and Memory in the Making of New England
Halttunen Karen 1999-00
Mellon Distinguished Scholar in Residence
University of California, Davis professor American Pilgrimage: A Cultural History of Plymouth Rock
Hamilton Cynthia 1979-80
Manchester Metropolitan senior lecturer Representations of the Freedmen 1861-76
Hamilton William 1979-80
Yale University Ph.D. candidate Preachers and Professionalism
Hancock David 2003-4
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor associate professor Oceans of Wine, Empires of Commerce: Madeira Wine and the Self-Organization of the Atlantic Market Economy, 1640-1815
Handsman Russell 1993-94
Litchfield, CT independent scholar Challenging the Silences in New England History: John Milton Earle and the Indian People of Massachusetts
Hansen Karen 1988-89
UC Berkeley Ph.D. candidate The Social Dimension of Laborers' Lives, 1810-60
Hanson Charles 1991-92
UC Berkeley Ph.D. candidate From the Quebec Act to the French Alliance: Anti-Catholicism in Revolutionary New England
Hardy Molly 2012-13
Southwestern University postdoctoral fellow Imperial Authorship and Eighteenth-Century Transatlantic Literary Production
Harley Anne 2012
Claremont, CA musician, soprano True Witness: A multi-choral civil rights cantata inspired by the texts of Charlotte Forten
Harley John 1976-77
Exeter College Maps in Eighteenth-Century North American Libraries
Harnish Katherine 2017-18
Drawn to Art
Washington University in St. Louis Ph.D. candidate Painting Ephemera in the Age of Mass Production
Harris Mazie 2012-13
Brown University Ph.D. candidate Selling Photography on Broadway, 1839-1884
Harris Michael 1972-73
U.S. Steel Foundation
University of Kentucky assistant professor Book Traders and Books in the Ohio Valley, 1800-1850
Harrison Candice 2006-7
Emory University Ph.D. candidate The Politics of Exchange in Philadelphia's Public Markets, 1770-1859
Harthorn Steven 2002-3
University of Tennessee, Knoxville Ph.D. candidate James Fenimore Cooper and the American Literary Market, 1838-1851
Harvey Samantha 2017-18
Boise State University professor of English Reading the Book of Nature: Imagination, Observation, and Conservation in Transatlantic Romanticism
Harvey Sean 2010-11
Northern Illinois University visiting assistant professor American Languages: Indians, Ethnology, and the Empire for Liberty
Hatch Nathan 1977-78
University of Notre Dame assistant professor From Revolution to Reaction
Hatcher Jeffrey 1995
Minneapolis, MN playwright Sockdology: A play about the actors in the play Our American Cousin
Haulman Kate 1999-00
Cornell University Ph.D. candidate The Empire's New Clothes: The Politics of Dress in America, 1765-1820
Hawley Elizabeth 2002-3
Georgia Institute of Technology Ph.D. candidate American Publishers of Indecent Books, 1840 - 1890
Hawley Elizabeth Haven 2023-24
University of Florida University librarian special and area studies collections, George A. Smathers Libraries A Perfect Machine: The Adams Power Press
Hayes Lisa 2011
Bowie, MD playwright Research on colonial America just before the Revolutionary War to be used in writing two museum theater plays for the Accokeek Foundation's Natonal Colonial Farm
Hayes Monique Celeste 2023
Fort Washington, MD historical novelist Research for “Sally Forth,” on African-American experience during the American Revolution from the years 1771-1785
Haynes April 2009-10
University of California, Santa Barbara PhD in history Riotous Flesh: Confronting Gender and Sexuality through Grahamite Health Reform, 1830-1860
Hazard Sonia 2013-14
Duke University Ph.D. candidate In and Of the Machine: Religion and Visual Technologies in Antebellum America
Hazard Sonia 2017-18
Duke University Ph.D. candidate The Touch of the Word: Evangelical Cultures of Print in Antebellum America
Hazard Sonia 2018-19
Franklin & Marshall College visiting assistant professor of religious studies The Touch of the Word: Evangelical Cultures of Print in Antebellum America
Headley Janet 2002-3
Drawn to Art
Loyola College associate professor Structuring Urban Space: Public Monuments in Boston, 1825-1897
Hebel Udo 2000-1
University of Regensburg chair Forefathers' Day Orations and Celebrations between the American Revolution and the Civil War
Heinzer Holly 2000-1
Yale University Ph.D. candidate On the Move: The Means and Meanings of Travel in Northeastern America, 1750-1850
Held Beverly 1980-81
University of Michigan Ph.D. candidate American Festivals--The Early Republican
Heller Lee 1989-90
Mercer College assistant professor The Novel as Popular Literature: American Fiction in the 18th and 19th Centuries
Heller Lee 1994-95
Mercer College assistant professor The Uses of Fiction: Novel Reading and American Culture, 1720-1860
Helwig Timothy 2005-6
University of Maryland Ph.D. candidate Race, Nativism, and the Making of Class in Antebellum City-Mysteries
Henderson H. 1976-77
Oklahoma State University professor Political Culture in Virginia and Massachusetts, 1775-1800
Hendler Glenn 2002-3
University of Notre Dame associate professor Riot Acts: Gender, Race, and Public Violence in Nineteenth-Century American Literature
Henretta James 1984-85
Boston University professor Law and the Creation of the Liberal State in America, 1770-1870
Herbert Amanda 2007-8
Johns Hopkins University Ph.D. candidate Transatlantic female alliances, 1640-1714
Hernandez Melanie 2012-13
Drawn to Art
University of Washington, Seattle Ph.D. candidate Currier & Ives's 'Darktown' Series: Recovering White Capital through Violent Satire
Hernandez Melanie 2019-20
California State University, Fresno assistant professor of English Drawing the Border: Mexicans and Mexicanness in Nineteenth-Century U.S. Visual Culture
Herrington Eldrid 2003-4
University College, Dublin assistant professor Civil War, Revision, and Self-Representation
Herrington Philip 2010-11
University of Virginia Ph.D. candidate The Plantation as Imagined in Antislavery Discourse, 1830-1860
Herrmann Sebastian 2015-16
University of Leipzig lecturer in American studies Imagining (Big) Data
Herzogenrath Bernd 2003-4
University of Cologne researcher Cotton Mather’s Conception of the Body
Hess Sophie 2023-24
University of Maryland PhD candidate in American history 'Come by Water and Not by Land:' Iron, Rivers, and Challenges to Settler Colonialism in Maryland, 1608-1782
Hessell Nikki 2018-19
Victoria University of Wellington associate professor of English Sensitive Negotiations: Romantic Literature and Indigenous Diplomacy, 1820-1950
Heyrman Christine 1979-80
UC Irvine assistant professor The Culture of Charity: Merchants, Ministers, and the Social Order of New England,1680-1740
Highland Kristen 2012-13
New York University Ph.D. candidate At the Bookstore: Literary and Cultural Experience in Antebellum New York City
Hijar Katherine 2004-5
Johns Hopkins University Ph.D. candidate Sex, Violence, and Sport in American Popular Print Culture, 1820-1880
Hill Sean 2010
Bemidji, MN poet Dangerous Goods: A series of poems about two African American men who immigrated with their families from Milledgeville, GA to Liberia in the 1870s
Hilliard Kathleen 2017-18
Iowa State University associate professor Bonds Burst Asunder: The Revolutionary Politics of Getting By in Civil War and Emancipation, 1860-1867
Hinsley Curtis 1986-87
Colgate University associate professor Anthropology in Boston, 1860-20
Hinz-Bode Kristina 2006-7
University of Kassel assistant professor America's Cultural Deficits: A Transatlantic Debate and Its Reflection in American Literature
Hinz-Bode Kristina 2007-8
University of Kassel assistant professor America's Cultural Deficits: A Transatlantic Debate and Its Reflection in American Literature
Hirshberg Charles 2005
New York, NY writer Vistas of Destiny: Thomas Wentworth Higginson in Worcester
Hobson Hallie 2001
New York, NY playwright Watchnight: A play on the eve of Emancipation
Hochman Barbara 2001-2
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev senior lecturer Uncle Tom's Cabin and the Reading Revolution
Hodges Graham 1999-00
Colgate University professor David Ruggles: Black Apostle of Freedom
Hoeflich Michael 2001-2
University of Kansas School of Law professor The Material Culture of the Nineteenth Century
Holmes Gerard 2019-20
University of Maryland Ph.D. candidate in English 'Discretion in the Interval': Emily Dickinson’s Musical Performances
Holness Lucien 2018-19
University of Maryland, College Park Ph.D. candidate in history Between North and South, East and West: The Anti-Slavery Movement in Southwestern Pennsylvania
Holt Keri 2010-11
Utah State University assistant professor Reading the Federal Republic: Considering the Place of the States in the Early U.S.
Holton Woody 1999-00
Bloomsburg University assistant professor Republics of Hope and the Empire of Despair: A Social Interpretation of the United States Constitution
Homestead Melissa 1996-97
University of Pennsylvania Ph.D. candidate Imperfect Title: Nineteenth-Century American Women Authors and Literary Property
Homestead Melissa 2000-1
University of Pennsylvania PhD candidate Imperfect Title, Nineteenth-Century American Women Authors and Literary Property
Homestead Melissa 2010-11
University of Nebraska-Lincoln associate professor E.D.E.N. Southworth's Serial Fiction
Homsher Betsy 1998-99
UC Santa Barbara Ph.D. candidate The Diaries of Sally Ripley Stearns
Honeycutt Brece 2019
Sheffield, MA mixed media artist A series of artworks that demonstrate at their core a respect for the natural world in ages past
Hooper Rachel 2023-24
Savannah College of Art and Design professor of art history Black-Owned Art Collections in the United States, 1860-1870
Hoopes James 1983-84
Babson College professor Consciousness in New England
Hopwood Elizabeth 2017-18
Loyola University Chicago instructor Eating the Atlantic: Nineteenth-Century U.S. and Caribbean Tables and Texts
Horowitz Helen 1999-00
Mellon Postdoctoral
Smith College professor Sexual Representation and Censorship in the United States, 1830-80
Horton James O. 2010-11
Mellon Distinguished Scholar in Residence
George Washington University professor emeritus A Documentary History of African Americans from 1619 to the Civil War
Horton Lois 2010-11
Mellon Distinguished Scholar in Residence
George Mason University professor emerita African Americans and the Concept of Freedom in the Revolutionary Era
House Kay 1977-78
San Francisco State University professor Editing Cooper's 'The Pilot'
Howe John 2002-3
University of Minnesota professor emeritus The Social Politics of Verbal Discourse in Revolutionary Boston
Howell William 2020-21
Boston University associate professor of English Worldly Muses: American Occasional Poetry from the Revolution to Reconstruction
Hsueh Vicki 2004-5
Western Washington University assistant professor Hybrid Constitutionalism: Negotiating Constitutions and Cultures in the Proprietary Colonies, 1625-1690
Huang Nian-Sheng 2005-6
California State University, Channel Islands associate professor The Poor in Early Massachusetts, 1630-1830
Huang Yiyun 2020-21
University of Tennessee-Knoxville Ph.D. candidate in history The Chinese Origins of Medicinal Tea: Global Cultural Transfer and a Vast Early America
Hudson Angela 2004-5
Yale University PhD candidate Indians, Slaves, and Surveyors on the Federal Road, 1790s-1840s
Hudson Angela Pulley 2016-17
Texas A&M University associate professor of history Indian Doctresses in the Nineteenth-Century United States
Huffman John 2009-10
Harvard University PhD candidate Documents of Identity in the Early Republic
Hughes Amy 2009-10
Brooklyn College PhD candidate 'Thoughts Bodied upon the State': Sensationalism and Reform in Nineteenth-Century America, 1842-1867
Hughes Amy 2015-16
Brooklyn College (CUNY) associate professor An Actor's Tale: Theater, Culture, and Everyday Life in Nineteenth-Century America
Hughes Jennifer 2007-8
Emory University Ph.D. candidate "Telling Laughter: A Cultural History of American Humor, 1830-1900"
Hunt Helen 2017-18
Tennessee Technological University professor of English Provoking Pleasure: Erotic Dominance & Submission in Early American Fiction
Hunt Shirley 2022
Boston, MA musician Research for concert/lecture which focuses on early 19th-century lutherie in New England
Hunter Christopher 2012-13
California Institute of Technology assistant professor A New and More Perfect Edition: Reading, Editing, and Publishing Autobiography in America, 1787-1850
Hunter Phyllis 1992-93
College of William and Mary Ph.D. candidate Ship of Wealth: New England Merchants, Colonial Capitalism, and the Rhetoric of Money
Huntley Jen 1998-99
University of Nevada, Reno Ph.D. candidate The Genius of Civilization: The Publishing Industry and the Creation of Western Regional Identity,1848-00
Hurley Natasha 2008-9
University of Alberta postdoctoral fellow The Child of Circulation in American Literature: The Case of Robinson Crusoe
Huston Reeve 2017-18
Duke University associate professor of history Reforging American Democracy
Hutchison Coleman 2005-6
Northwestern University Ph.D. candidate Occasioning Verse and Volume
Hyde Carrie 2009-10
Rutgers University Ph.D. candidate Alienable Rights: Negative Styles of U.S. Citizenship, 1798-1868
Hynes Jennifer 1997-98
West Virginia University visiting instructor Nineteenth-Century Women and the News: The Case of Elizabeth Stoddard
Iachini Gian 2009-10
Drawn to Art
University of Milan teaching assistant 'Join, or Die': Pictures and Politics in the American Revolution
Ifeka Helena 1999-00
Columbia University Ph.D. candidate The Parkman Relations
Irvin Benjamin 2000-1
Brandeis University Ph.D. candidate Representative Men: A Cultural History of the Continental Congress
Isenberg Nancy 1987-88
University of Wisconsin, Madison Ph.D. candidate `Co-Equality of the Sexes': The Feminist and Religious Discourse of the Nineteenth-Century Woman's Rights Movement in America, 1848-60
Isenberg Nancy 2003-4
University of Tulsa associate professor The Sexual Politics of Aaron Burr
Isenberg Nancy 2007-8
University of Tulsa associate professor Dirty Politics in Early America
Jablonski Heike 2013-14
Heidelberg Center for American Studies, University of Heidelberg Ph.D. candidate John Foxe in America
Jackson Kimberly Gladman 2000
Mysteries and Miseries: City Mysteries Novels and Class in Antebellum America
Jackson Leon 2003-4
University of South Carolina assistant professor The Business of Letters: Authorial Economies in America, 1780s-1840s
Jackson-Opoku Sandra 2008
Chicago, IL novelist God's Gift to the Natives: A novel that explores one musician's enigmatic life and tragic death, while also charting the history and movement of the African diaspora
Jackson-Retondo Elaine 1997-98
UC Berkeley Ph.D. candidate The Penitentiary as an Artifact of the Cultural Landscape: A Comparative Analysis, 1780-1860
Jaffee David 1981-82
Harvard University teaching fellow The Formation of a Yankee Culture
Jaffee David 1988-89
CUNY assistant professor People of the Wachusett: Town Founders and Village Historians of New England, 1630-1860
Jao Charline 2023-24
Brown Family Collection
Cornell University Graduate candidate in literatures in English Family and Bereavement in the Album
Jaros Peter 2018-19
Franklin & Marshall College associate professor of English Incorporate Things: A Literary Genealogy of Corporate Personhood in Antebellum America
Jarvis Michael 2003-4
University of Rochester assistant professor 'In the eye of All Trade': Bermuda and the Atlantic World, 1612-1815
Jeffers Honoree 2009
Norman, OK poet Research for book of poems whose centerpiece is a series about Phillis Wheatley, which imagines her interior life
John Richard 1986-87
University of Illinois at Chicago, Associate professor of History instructor Managing the Mails: The American Postal System and the Communications Revolution in the Early Republic
John Richard 1994-95
University of Illinois at Chicago associate professor of history Visions of Enterprise: The Political Origins of the Modern Communications Infrastructure in the United States, 1837-17
Johnson Ann 2002-3
Fordham University assistant professor Engineering Handbooks as Carriers of Knowledge into the Field
Johnson Brandon 2002-3
University of Chicago Ph.D. candidate Spirits on the Stage: Public Mediums, Spiritualist Theater, and American Culture, 1848 -1893
Johnson Linck 1984-85
Colgate University associate professor Walden in Its Time
Johnson Paul 1985-86
Princeton University guest lecturer From Yeoman to Factory Hand: Studies in Early Industrial Society
Johnson Ronald Angelo 2023-24
Baylor University associate professor of history Mutual Entanglements: Transracial Ties between Haitians and Revolutionary Americans
Johnson Sherita L. 2022-23
University of Southern Mississippi assistant professor of English Panoramic Travel with Frances Harper: Archival Recovery of the Reconstruction Years
Johnson Sue 2000
Sigety (artist)
St Mary's City, MD painter The Alternate Encyclopedia
Johnston Elizabeth 2005-6
Harvard College teaching assistant Choosing Freedom, Risking Slavery: African Americans, Antislavery Advocates, and the Courts in Massachusetts, 1830-1860
Johnston Patricia 2007-8
Salem State College professor "Martyrs, Riots, Nuns, and Peasants"
Johnston Patricia 2023-24
College of the Holy Cross professor of visual arts Global Aesthetics
Joncus Berta 2022-23
University of London reader in the department of music Abolitionist Song: Anglo-American Exchanges, 1780-1810
Jones Jacqueline 1974-75
University of Wisconsin, Ph.D. candidate Northern Teachers in the Post-Civil War South
Jones Paul 2007-8
Ohio University assistant professor The Newgate Novel Comes to America: Antebellum Crime Fiction and the Anti-Gallows Movement
Jones Sophie Heather 2016-17
University of Liverpool Ph.D. candidate From Anglicization to Loyalism: New York, 1691-1783
Jones T. Cole 2014-15
The Johns Hopkins University PhD in history Deprived of their Liberty: Enemy Prisoners and the Culture of War in Revolutionary America
Jortner Adam 2014-15
Auburn University assistant professor of history Witchcraft and the Rise of American Religious Freedom, 1626-1789
Joseph Michael 1997-98
Rutgers University librarian McLoughlin Bros, 1858-1878
Joy Natalie 2016-17
Northern Illinois University assistant professor of history Abolitionists and Indians in the Antebellum Era
Jung Sandro 2018-19
Herzog August Library fellow A Transnational History of American Book Illustration
Junker Carsten 2011-12
University of Bremen assistant professor Reading Affect in Eighteenth-Century Abolitionist Debates
Kabala James 2007-8
Brown University Ph.D. candidate A Christian Nation?: Religion and the State in the Early American Republic, 1787-1844
Kahn Laurie 1992-93
Watertown, MA independent filmmaker A Midwife's Tale: The Life of Martha Ballard (film adaptation)
Kaja Jeffrey 2008-9
University of Michigan Ph.D. candidate "From Rivers to Roads: Economic Development and the Evolution of Transportation Systems in Early Pennsylvania, 1675-1800."
Kamil Neil 2012-13
University of Texas at Austin associate professor Artisans of 'Inventive Genius': Atlantic Refugees, Niche Economies, and Portable Devices in the Manufacture of Polite Matter, 1640-1789
Kanzler Katja 2006-7
Leipzig University associate lecturer Genre and Separate Spheres in Antebellum Women's Writing
Karlsen Carol 1994-95
University of Michigan associate professor Relations of Power, the Power of Relations: Iroquois Communities in Western New York, 1750-00
Kaspirek Maria 2017-18
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg Ph.D. candidate in American studies (In)Sanitary Science: The Discourse of Mental Hygiene as Tacit Knowledge in Antebellum Literature
Katz Wendy 2008-9
University of Nebraska-Lincoln associate professor The Politics of Art Criticism in the Penny Press, 1833-1862
Keech Pamela 1997
New York, NY visual artist and independent curator Nurseries: An installation picturing the lives of children in post Civil War America
Keiter Lindsay 2020-21
Penn State-Altoona assistant professor of history Uniting Interests: Love, Money, and the Law in American Marriage, 1750-1860
Kelley Mark 2019-20
Florida International University assistant professor of English Sentimental Seamen: Feeling Bodies in an American Age of Sail
Kelley Mary 1990-91
Dartmouth College professor Achieving Authority: Women in Public in Early America
Kelley Mary 2013-14
Mellon Distinguished Scholar in Residence
University of Michigan Ruth Bordin Collegiate Professor of History, American Culture, and Women’s Studies 'What Are You Reading, What Are You Saying?' American Reading and Writing Practices, 1760-1860
Kelley Sean 2008-9
Hartwick College associate professor Gone to Africa: A Rhode Island Slave Ship and the Making of a Diaspora
Kelley Wyn 2023-24
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Senior lecturer of literature Brazi in Early North American Black Print Culture
Kelly Catherine 1987-88
University of Rochester Ph.D. candidate Mothers and Daughters: Intergenerational Conflict and Continuity, 1820-39
Kelly Catherine 1999-00
University of Oklahoma assistant professor Things Useful and Ornamental: Gender, Culture, and Gentility in the Bourgeois Republic
Kelly John 1973-74
Mellon short-term fellow
Harvard University teaching fellow The Scientific Contents and Popular Use of American Almanacs
Kennelly Laura 1994-95
Baldwin-Wallace College assistant editor Samuel West: Private Life in Revolutionary Times, 1739-1808
Keralis Spencer 2009-10
New York University Ph.D. candidate Children of Wrath: Violence, Remembrance, and the Making of Youth in Antebellum America
Keyes Sarah 2010-11
University of Southern California Ph.D. candidate Circling Back: Migration to the Pacific and the Reconfiguration of America, 1820-1900
Kiechle Melanie 2014-15
Virginia Tech University assistant professor of history Smell Detectives: An Olfactory History of Nineteenth-Century America
Kikuchi Akira 1991-92
Otaru University of Commerce professor The Development of American Society from the Colonial Period to the Early Nineteenth Century
Kilbride Daniel 2007-8
John Carroll University associate professor The Grand Tour: European Travelers and American National Identities, 1750-1870
Kimnach Wilson 1993-94
Clark University affiliate professor Literature of the Sermon in Eighteenth-Century America
King John 1980-81
University of Michigan assistant professor Puritan Psychomachy: Themes of Piety and Mental Pathology in Early America
Kirkpatrick Marguerite 1997
Logan County High School library media specialist Study of journals, diaries, amateur newspapers, and letters of young people to use in curriculum development for interdisciplinary unites in social studies, language arts, family living and media classes
Klaum Alison 2010-11
University of Delaware PhD candidate Pressing Flowers: American Floral Prints and Preserving Culture in the Nineteenth Century
Klein Lauren 2013-14
Drawn to Art
GA Insitute of Technology assistant professor A Cultural History of Data Visualization, 1786-2013
Klein Shana 2013-14
Univeristy of New Mexico Ph.D. candidate The Fruits of Empire: Contextualizing Food in Still-Life Representation, 1850-1900
Klein Shana 2022-23
Kent State University assistant professor Spoiled Milk: The Visual Culture of Breastfeeding and Motherhood in Victorian America
Klimasmith Betsy 2008-9
University of Massachusetts, Boston associate professor Cities and Seductions: Sex and Early American Urban Fiction
Knecht Rachel 2016-17
Brown University Ph.D. candidate Inventing the Mathematical Economy in Nineteenth-Century America
Knoles Lucia 1998-99
Assumption College associate professor A Slippery Self: Self Culture and the Self-made Man in Nineteenth Century American Literature
Knutson Andrea 2020-21
Oakland University associate professor of English Barbados’s Plantation History at the Intersection of Slavery and Ecocide
Koch Philippa 2013-14
University of Chicago Divinity School Ph.D. candidate Persistent Providence: Religion and Epidemics in Eighteenth-Century America
Koenigsberg Lisa 1984-85
Yale University Ph.D. candidate Professionalizing Domesticity
Kohlstedt Sally 1982-83
Syracuse University associate professor Natural History Museums: The Nineteenth Century
Komanecky Michael 2007-8
independent scholar Carleton Watkins' Photographs of the California Missions
Koo Kathryn 2005-6
Saint Mary's College of California assistant professor In the House of God: Cotton Mather and the Making of Puritan Slavery
Kopacz Paula 1988-89
Eastern Kentucky University associate professor Women's Daily Life in Seventeenth-Century New England
Kopelson Heather 2014-15
University of Alabama assistant professor of history Idolatrous Processions: The Production of Peoples and Places in the Atlantic World
Kornblith Gary 1984-85
Oberlin College assistant professor Master Mechanics in New England, 1780s-1850s
Koschnik Albrecht 2009-10
Library Company of Philadelphia American Conceptions of Civil Society, 1750-1850
Kras Carolyn 2014
Los Angeles, CA writer, screen (TV, theater, stage) Research for a TV pilot script to take place in 1871 after the Great Chicago Fire
Kroeger Karl 1973-74
Mellon short-term fellow
University of Colorado, Boulder music librarian The Complete Works of William Billings, volume 4
Kroeger Karl 1987-88
University of Colorado, Boulder music librarian The Complete Works of William Billings
Kuczynski Peter 1987-88
Martin Luther University, Halle, Germany chairman The Contemporary Reception of Nathaniel Hawthorne
Kummer Karsten 2002-3
University of Bremen lecturer Eighteenth-Century German-American Texts: A Study of Intercultural Negotiations and Relations
Kupperman Karen Ordahl 2003-04
Mellon Distinguished Scholar in Residence
New York University Silver Professor The Founding of Jamestown in Its Atlantic Context
Laats Adam 2018-19
State University of New York, Binghamton professor of teaching, learning, and educational leadership Toe the Line: Joseph Lancaster and the Delusion of Early School Reform
Labuz Ronald 1991-92
Mohawk Valley Community College professor American Graphic Design, 1830-70
Lacey Barbara 1996-97
Saint Joseph College associate professor Religious Imagery Transformed: The Eighteenth-Century American Illustrated Imprint
Lafferty Ben 2014-15
Queen Mary, University of London PhD in history A Marketplace of Ideas: Printed Culture and Communications in Federalist Era New England
LaFleur Greta 2013-14
University of Hawai'I at Manoa assistant professor American Insides: Popular Narrative and the Historiography of Sexuality, 1674-1815
Lamore Eric 2019-20
University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez (UPRM) professor of English Abagail Field Mott’s 1829 Abridged Edition of Olaudah Equiano’s ‘Interesting Narrative’: A Critical Edition
Lamore Eric 2023-24
University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez Professor of English “Unstable as Water”: Early Black Atlantic Literature and Textual Fluidity
Lampert Sara 2010-11
University of Michigan Ph.D. candidate Women and the Making of the Nineteenth-Century Culture Industry
Lampi Philip 1974-75
independent researcher Vote Tabulation in American Presidential, Congressional, Gubernatorial, and State Legislative Elections, 1788-1824
Landsberg Eva 2022-23
Yale University PhD candidate The Politics of Sugar in the 18th-Century British Atlantic
Lange Allison 2011-12
Brandeis University PhD candidate Transformative Images of Woman Suffrage, 1776-1920
Langford Paul 1974-75
Lincoln College, Oxford British Attitudes towards the American Colonies during theAmerican Revolution
Langley Harold 1973-74
Mellon short-term fellow
Museum of History and Technology, Smithsonian associate curator American Press Reaction to the Peace of Ghent
LaPiana Amber 2011-12
Washington State University PhD candidate Mapping Literary Regionalism
Larkin Edward 2006-7
University of Delaware assistant professor The Loyalist Origins of United States Culture
Larkin Ilana 2019-20
Northwestern University Ph.D. candidate in English Hostile Love: Discipline, Nation, and History-Making in American Children’s Literature
Larkin Jack 2011-12
Clark University affiliate professor David Claypoole Johnston and the Representation of American Life, 1797-1865
Larnerd Joseph 2018-19
Stanford University Ph.D. candidate in art and art history The Makings of Cut Glass in America, 1876-1916
Larson Kate 2001-2
University of New Hampshire Ph.D. candidate Asante, Daughter of Zion: The Life and Memory of Harriet Tubman
Laurance Emily 2001
Chapel Hill, NC musician, harpist Sacred Music and Theatrical Songs in Early Nineteenth Century America
Laurie Bruce 1993-94
University of Massachusetts, Amherst professor The Search for Security in Nineteenth-Century America
Lauster Darryl 2022
Arlington, TX sculptor Research for a series of bronze sculptures that will visually identify with scrolls and parchment manuscripts
Lawes Carolyn 1990-91
UC Davis associate instructor The Second Great Awakening and the Development of Commercial Capitalism in Worcester, Massachusetts, 1820-48
Lawrence Kathleen 2004-5
Boston University lecturer "Margaret Fuller's Aesthetic Transcendentalism"
Lawson-Peebles Robert 1990-91
Exeter College lecturer Transatlantic Cultural Relations, 1745-80
Layton Brandon 2017-18
University of California, Davis Ph.D. candidate Children of Two Fires: Childhood, Diplomacy, and Change among the Choctaws and Chickasaws
Le Seven Emilia 2018-19
Jenny d’Héricourt
Université Paris Diderot Ph.D. candidate in English-speaking cultures Cooper’s Sea Romances and the American Grand National Narrative
Leal K. Elisa 2022-23
Whitworth University ’ assistant professor of history "Nurseries of Piety": Sunday Schools and Children’s Religious Culture in the Unites States, 1790-1860
Leary John 2011-12
Wayne State University assistant professor A Cultural History of Underdevelopment: Latin America in the U.S. Imagination
Leary Lewis 1980-81
University of North Carolina William Rand Kenan, Jr. professor Lectures in the United States, 1783-1829
Leavenworth Peter 2004-5
University of New Hampshire Ph.D. candidate "Confrontations of Taste: American vs. European Standards of Music Aesthetics in the Early Republic"
Leavenworth Peter 2007-8
University of New Hampshire Ph.D. candidate Accounting for Taste: The American Music Business in the Early Republic and Confrontations in Music Aesthetics, 1770-1825
Lee Jocelyn 1996
Sequoia Union High School, Redwood City, CA teacher Seneca Falls to Suffrage: A Study of the Early Women's Movement, 1840-20
Lee John 1996
Los Angeles, CA playwright Orphan Trains
Lee Robert 2013-14
University of CA, Berkeley Ph.D. candidate Louisiana Purchases: The US-Indian Treaty System in the Missouri River Valley, 1840-1851
Lee-Johnson Jazzmen 2019
Jay and Deborah Last
Providence, RI interdisciplinary artist Contraband: Visual pieces that explore how the industry of slavery laid the blueprint for drug crimes, gang culture, and mass incarceration in Black communities
Legros Georges Danielle 2023
Boston, MA poet Research for “Acts of Resistance to New England Slavery by Africans Themselves in New England,” a series of poems about Black self-determinism and articulations of freedom within and against the context of Northern slavery
Lehuu Isabelle 1988-89
Cornell University Ph.D. candidate The New Readers in Antebellum America
Lemire Elise 1994-95
Rutgers University Ph.D. candidate Discourses of Miscegenation in United States, 1800-1865
Lepler Jessica 2008-9
University of New Hampshire assistant professor 1837: Anatomy of a Panic
Lepore Jill 1993-94
Yale University Ph.D. candidate Commemorating Cruelty: Writing and Remembering King Philip's War, 1675-76
Leslie Alex 2019-20
Rutgers University Ph.D. candidate in literature Reading Regions: American Literature and Cultural Geography, 1865-1915
Lett Telesia 2016-17
Boston University Ph.D. candidate Making Money: Alfred Jones and the Business of Engraving
Levati Edu 2022-23
The American School of Sao Paulo, Brazil high school teacher of historia social Hemispheric Negotiations: The United States Recognition of Brazilian Independence
Levy Barry 1998-99
University of Massachusetts, Amherst associate professor The Ordeal of Early American Equality: Orphans, Poor Children, and the Massachusetts Labor Regime, 1630-1820
Levy Marshall 1995
Winn Brook School, Belmont, MA teacher The Evolution of the Chocolate Industry in the New England Area and its Impact on a Developing Society
Lewis Andrew 2000-1
Yale University PhD candidate Antiques of State: Archaeology in Early Republican America
Lewis Charlene 2017-18
Kalamazoo College professor The Traitor's Wife: Peggy Arnold and Revolutionary America
Lewis Daniel 2010-11
Northern Virginia Community College assistant professor The Popularity of 'Washington Crossing the Delaware' Prints in the Literary Marketplace, 1853-1861
Lewis Randi 2012-13
University of Virginia Ph.D. candidate To 'the most distant parts of the Globe': Trade, Politics, and the Maritime Frontier in the Early Republic, 1763-1819
Lhamon W 1998-99
Florida State University George M. Harper professor Jump Jim Crow: Plays, Lyrics, and Street Prose of the First Atlantic Popular Culture
Li Yan 1986-87
University of Connecticut Ph.D. candidate The Transformation of the Massachusetts Constitution, 1780-1860
Libow Jess 2020-21
Emory University PhD candidate in English Political Movement: Ability, Sex, and Reform in the Nineteenth-Century United States
Lightfoot Natasha 2006-7
New York University Ph.D. candidate Race, Class, and Resistance: The Aftermath of Emancipation in Antigua, 1831-1858
Linker Jessica 2012-13
University of Connecticut Ph.D. candidate 'It is my best wish to behold Ladies among my hearers': Early American Women and Scientific Practice, 1720-1860
Ljungquist Kent 1983-84
Worcester Polytechnic Institute associate professor The Aesthetic Categories of the Sublime, the Picturesque, and the Beautiful, as They Are Represented in American Literary Periodicals, 1820-1860
Lobel Cindy 1999-00
CUNY Graduate Center Ph.D. candidate Consuming Classes: Food, Eating, and Images of Consumption in the United States, 1790-1860
Lobel Cindy 2004-5
CUNY Graduate Center PhD candidate Consuming Classes: Changing Food Consumption Patterns in New York City, 1780-1860
Löhrer Gudrun 2010-11
John F. Kennedy Institute, Free University of Berlin visiting professor A Cultural History of U.S.-American Banknotes in the Early Nineteenth Century
Loiacono Gabriel 2006-7
Brandeis University Ph.D. candidate The People and the Poor: Experiences and Ideas of Poverty in Rhode Island, 1780-1888
Lopenzina Drew 2014-15
Old Dominion University assistant professor of English Cultural Biography of William Apess
Lopez Ruth 2003
Chicago, IL writer Research in the McLoughlin Brothers archive toward a social history on the artists who helped create children's literature in America
Lorenz Ellen Jane 1977-78
Union Graduate School Ph.D. candidate Campmeeting Spirituals
Lorsung Eireann 2020
Farmington, ME writer Non-fiction work that examines the history of gardens in Europe and the U.S.
Lovell Margaretta 2007-08
Mellon Distinguished Scholar in Residence
California at Berkeley professor of the history of art Painting the Inhabited Landscape: Fitz H. Lane and Winslow Homer
Lovett Ann 2009
New Paltz, NY photographer Artist book about the textile mills of Lowell and other Massachusetts mill towns and the "mill girls" who worked in them
Lowance Mason 1972-73
U.S. Steel Foundation
University of Massachusetts, Amherst professor Symbolic Expression in Puritan Writings, 1620-1776
Lowance Mason 1976-77
University of Massachusetts, Amherst professor Symbolism in American Writings from the Puritans to the Civil War
Lowance Mason 1989-90
University of Massachusetts, Amherst professor Uncle Tom's Cabin and the New England Sermon Tradition
Luarca-Shoaf Nenette 2009-10
University of Delaware Ph.D. candidate The Place of the Mississippi River in Antebellum Visual Culture and Imagination
Luck Patrick 2012-13
Johns Hopkins University Ph.D. candidate The Creation of a Deep South: Making the Sugar and Cotton Revolutions in the Lower Mississippi Valley, 1790-1825
Lukasik Christopher 2003-4
Drawn to Art
Boston University assistant professor Discerning Characters: Social Distinction and the Face in American Literary and Visual Culture, 1780-1850
Lukasik Christopher 2004-5
Boston University assistant professor Discerning Characters: Social Distinction and the Face in American Culture, 1780-1850
Lukasik Christopher 2013-14
Purdue University associate professor The Image in the Text
Lum Christine 1995
Caroline High School, Glen Allen, VA teacher Develop a Curriculum Unit on the Life of Catherine Marie Sedgwick for a Secondary American Literature Course
Lundberg James 2006-7
Yale University Ph.D. candidate Reading Horace Greeley's America, 1834-1872
Lurie Howard 1994
Mt Anthony Union HS, Bennington, VT teacher Shay's Rebellion
Lushington Cora 1973-74
Mellon short-term fellow
University of Sussex lecturer The Democratic Press in England and America
Luskey Brian 2003-4
Emory University Ph.D. candidate The Marginal Men: Clerks and the Meanings of Class in Nineteenth-Century America
Luskey Brian 2012-13
West Virginia University assistant professor Magnificent Rogue: A Swindler, Seducer, and Slaver in the Nineteenth Century
Lutz Mary Anne 1996-97
Frostburg State University associate professor The Politics of the American Picturesque: Perceptions of Land and Native Americans
Lyman Richard 1983-84
Simmons College professor The Economic and Social Context of the Lincoln Family, 1810-1840
Lyons Clare 1992-93
Yale University Ph.D. candidate Sex Among the 'Rabble': Gender Transitions in the Age of the Revolution, Philadelphia 1750-1830
Lyons Erin 2015
Washington, DC fiction writer Historical novel about Anne Hutchinson and the Massachusetts Bay Colony, from 1630-1638, told from the point of view of a servant girl
Lyons Maura 2014-15
Drake University associate professor of art history Popular Depictions of the 'Natural' Body of the Union Soldier
Lyra Franciszek 1989-90
M Curie-Sklodowska, University of Poland senior lecturer Revising the Canon of the First Two Centuries of American Literature
Macdonald Alexandra 2022-23
William & Mary PhD candidate in history The Social Life of Time in the Anglo-Atlantic World, 1660-1830
Mackenthun Gesa 2006-7
University of Rostock professor The Conquest of Antiquity: Geographical Discovery and Romantic Scholarship in the USA
Mackin Jeanne 1999
Ithaca, NY novelist The Sweet By and By: Maggie and Katie Fox
MacNamara Trent 2018-19
Texas A & M University assistant professor of history Big Sky: Popular Ideas about the Heavens in America
Maddox Tyesha 2015-16
New York University Ph.D. candidate From Invisible to Immigrants: Political Activism and the Construction of Caribbean American Identity, 1890-1940
Madsen Deborah 1995-96
University of Leicester director Colonial Legacies: A History of the Pynchon and Hawthorne Families
Maertz Gregory 1996-97
St John's University associate professor Goethe's Translators, Critics, and Readers in Nineteenth-Century New England
Mahoney Nicole 2019-20
University of Maryland, College Park Ph.D. candidate in history Liberty, Gentility, and Dangerous Liaisons: French Culture and Polite Society in Early National America, 1770-1825
Main Gloria 1978-79
independent researcher The Massachusetts Farmer and his Family
Main Jackson 1987-88
University of Colorado, Boulder adjunct professor Leaders of Several Newly Established Counties, ca 1800
Malanson Jeffrey 2009-10
Boston College Ph.D. candidate Addressing America: Washington's Farewell and the Making of National Culture, Politics, and Diplomacy, 1796-1852
Malcom Allison 2008-9
University of Illinois-Chicago PhD candidate "A Protestant Patriotism: Anti-Catholicism and the Rise of Nationhood in North America, 1830-1870."
Malka Adam 2023-24
University of Oklahoma Associate professor of history The Carceral Turn: Crime and Punishment during the Civil War Era
Mandell Daniel 2002-3
Truman State University assistant professor Images of Indians in Southern New England, 1760 - 1880
Mandell Daniel 2012-13
Truman State University professor The Lost Tradition of Equality in America, 1600-1870
Manegold Catherine 2005-6
Emory University professor In an Office Built by Slaves
Manion Jen 2005-6
Rutgers University Ph.D. candidate Women's Crime and Penal Reform in Early Pennsylvania, 1776-1835
Manion Jen 2012-13
Connecticut College assistant professor Crossing Gender: Female Masculinity in the 18th & 19th Centuries
Mansouri Leila 2014-15
University of CA, Berkeley Ph.D. candidate in English Constituent Characters
Manuel Crystal Dawn 2023-24
University of Missouri Kansas City PhD candidate in history Female Hymnodists of the Nineteenth Century
Marin Marco 2013-14
University of Trieste postdoctural fellow The Political Catechisms for Schools and Children in the United State, 1790-1850
Marini Stephen 1988-89
Wellesley College professor Migrants and Itinerants, Schools and Psalmody: Neglected Networks of Religious Culture in Revolutionary America
Marini Stephen 1988-89
Wellesley College professor Religion in the American Revolution
Markson Helena 1991-92
Haifa, Israel senior lecturer Early American Lithography and Allied Printing
Marr Timothy 1996-97
Yale University Ph.D. candidate Islamic Orientalism in Nineteenth-Century America
Marr Timothy 1999-00
Yale Ph.D. candidate Imagining Ishmael: Studies of Islamic Orientalism in America from the Puritans to Melville
Marrs Aaron 2010-11
U.S. Department of State historian Moving Forward: A Social History of the Transportation Revolution
Marsh D. Lance 2023
Oklahoma City, OK playwright Research for “Macbeth/Forrest/Macbeth” a radical reworking of the text of Shakespeare’s Macbeth as seen through the lens of the Astor Place Riots
Marti Donald 1974-75
University of Indiana, South Bend associate professor Movements for Agricultural Improvements in 19th-Century New England and New York
Martin Alice 2023-24
Rutgers University PhD candidate in English Playing with Scripted Intimacy: The Uptake of American Autograph Albums, 1820-1860
Martin Peter 1995-96
Emory College Ph.D. candidate Forgotten Immigrant Church: The French-Canadian Religious Identity in New England
Martin Russell 1992-93
University of Virginia Ph.D. candidate Almanacs of the Southern States, 1732-1860
Martini Elspeth 2018-19
Montclair State University professor of history Humanitarian Authority and Indigenous Dispossession in the U.S. and British Empires
Martinko Whitney 2009-10
University of Virginia Ph.D. candidate Progress through Preservation: History on the American Landscape in an Age of Improvement, 1790-1860
Martinko Whitney 2015-16
Villanova University assistant professor Progress through Preservation: History on the American Landscape in an Age of Improvement, 1785-1860
Martinko Whitney 2022-23
Villanova University assistant professor of history The Corporate Origins of Cultural Property
Martino Kristina 2023
Sunderland, MA poet and visual artist Research for “The Avian Kingdom,” a project that concerns reinventing the pastoral poem and fusing human consciousness with that of the landscape, as well as various environmental and health crises
Masse Isabelle 2019-20
McGill University Ph.D. candidate in art history Itinerant Portraitists in North America: Mobility, Practice, Transmission, 1776-1812
Masten April 2001-2
Drawn to Art
visiting assistant professor The Work of Art
Masten April 2008-9
State University of New York, Stony Brook associate professor The Challenge Dance: Transatlantic Exchange in Early American Popular Culture
Mastromarino Mark 1989-90
College of William and Mary Ph.D. candidate Elkanah Watson and Massachusetts Agricultural Fairs
Masur Louis 1982-83
Princeton University Ph.D. candidate The Culture of Executions in America, 1776-1860
Masur Louis 1998-99
City College of New York professor The American Republic in 1831
Mattes Mark 2009-10
University of Iowa Ph.D. candidate Letter Interception and Publication during the Era of Good Feelings
Mauduit Julien 2011-12
Universite du Quebec a Montreal Ph.D. candidate 'Locofocoism' and the Canadian Revolution (1837-1842): from a selection of pamphlets, newspapers, and other printed materials
Mayer Henri Andre Van Huysen 1975-76
California at Berkeley Ph.D. candidate American Views of Science, 1775-1810
Mazzio Joann 2000
Pinos Altos, NM writer Fremont Expeditions in the 1840's
McAbee Leslie 2017-18
Univeristy of North Carolina - Chapel Hill Ph.D. candidate Exotic Animals and the American Conscience, 1840-1900
McBride Dwight 2015-16
Mellon Distinguished Scholar in Residence
Northwestern University Daniel Hale Williams professor of African American studies, English, and performance studies Poetics, Politics, and Phillis Wheatley
McCaffrey Katherine 2004-5
Boston University Ph.D. candidate "Reading Glasses: American Spectacles from Benjamin Franklin's Bifocals to Mithril"
McCants Laurie 2019
Bloomsburg, PA actor Solo performance about Frances Slocum, who in 1778 was abducted by the Lenape at 5 years of age
McCarl Mary 1987-88
Boston University Ph.D. candidate More Confessions of Thomas Shepard's Cambridge Parishioners, 1648-49
McCarthy Molly 2000-1
Richard F. and Virginia P. Morgan
Brandeis University Ph.D. candidate A Page, A Day: A History of the Daily Diary in America
McCarthy Molly 2003-4
Brandeis University Ph.D. candidate A Page, A Day: A History of the Diary in America
McClary Ben 1982-83
Middle Georgia State College professor Samuel Lorenzo Knapp and His Milieu
McConnell Eleanor 2006-07
Brandeis Ph.D. candidate A Scarce Plenty: Economics, Citizenship, and Opportunity in Revolutionary New Jersey, 1760-1820
McCoubrey Sarah 2007
Jay and Deborah Last
Fayetteville, NY painter Hannah Morse: A fictive archive of the mid 19th century landscape painter
McCoy Colin 1998-99
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Ph.D. candidate Partisans and Pamphleteers: The Literature of Persuasion in Jacksonian America, 1820-1845
McCurdy John 2006-7
Eastern Michigan University assistant professor The Politics of Bachelorhood in Early America
McCusker John 1980-81
University of Maryland associate professor The Rum Trade
McDermott Shawna 2016-17
University of Pittsburgh Ph.D. candidate Reading Race: Visual Literacy in Nineteenth-Century American Children's Periodicals
McDermott Vivian 1994
Northside School, Wolf Point, MT teacher Indian-White Relations
McDougall Warren 1997-98
University of Edinburgh honorary fellow The Scots Book Trade to Boston and New York in the 18th Century
McElroy James 1975-76
SUNY Plattsburgh assistant professor The Papers of John B. Hough
McGill Meredith 1995-96
Harvard University assistant professor American Literature and the Culture of Reprinting Rewriting Romanticism Fashioning the Marketplace
McGill Meredith 2003-4
Mellon Postdoctoral
Rutgers University associate professor Poetry in Motion: Lyric Circulation in the Antebellum United States
McIntosh Hugh 2010-11
Northwestern University Ph.D. candidate Civil War Advertising and the Popular Novel
McIntyre Kate 2018-19
Columbia University Ph.D. candidate in English Fugitive Circulations: The Political Ecology of Poetry in Early African-American Newspapers
McKito Valerie 2007-8
Texas Tech University Ph.D. candidate "In the Shadow of Victory: Loyalists in the Aftermath of the Revolution"
McLaren Scott 2012-13
York University associate professor Nurseries of Faith: The New York Methodist Book Concern and the Growth of Methodist Sunday Schools in Upper Canada, 1815-1850
McLaughlin Don James 2015-16
University of Pennsylvania Ph.D. candidate Touching Phobia: Viral Affect and the Madicalization of Fear in Nineteenth-Century Anglo-American Literature
McLaughlin Don James 2018-19
University of Tulsa assistant professor of 19th-century American literature Infectious Affect: The Phobic Imagination in American Literature
McLean Stuart 1981-82
University of Chicago Ph.D. candidate California Gold Fever
McLucas Anne 1985-86
Harvard University associate professor The Connection Between American Folk Song and Theatre
McNamara Martha 2004-5
University of Maine associate professor New England Visions: Landscape Representation in History and Art, 1790-1850
McNulty Rebecca 2003-4
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Ph.D. candidate Education for Empire: Manual Labor, Civilization, and the Family in Nineteenth-Century American Missionary Education
McPartland Kevin 2023-24
University of Cincinnati PhD candidate in history The Birthing of a Nation: Confederate Nationalism in the Southern Press
McVay Georgianne 1972-73
U.S. Steel Foundation
Philadelphia College of Pharmacy & Science assistant professor Verbal Humor in the Caricatures of David Claypool Johnston
Mears Tanya 2008-9
Norfolk State University assistant professor 'To Lawless Rapine Bred': Early New England Execution Literature Featuring People of African Descent.
Meldrum Barbara 1990-91
University of Iowa professor Harriet Beecher Stowe and the Dynamics of Nineteenth-Century American Progress
Merritt Jane 2008-9
Old Dominion University associate professor The Trouble with Tea: Consumption, Politics, and the Making of a Global Colonial Economy
Messer Peter 2007-8
Mississippi State University assistant professor Revolution by Committee: Law, Language, and Ritual in Revolutionary America
Messer Sarah 1999
Madison, WI non-fiction writer, poet Red House: A non-fiction memoir that explores America’s fascination with history, family, and Great Houses
Michelon Christina 2016-17
University of Minnesota Ph.D. candidate Interior Impressions: Printed Material in the Nineteenth-Century American Home
Michelon Christina 2019-20
postdoctoral fellow Printcraft: Making with Mass Images in Nineteenth-Century America
Middleton Stephen 1994-95
North Carolina State University associate professor The Black Laws of Ohio
Mihm Stephen 2001-2
New York University Ph.D. candidate The Alchemists: Counterfeiters and Counterfeiting in Antebellum America
Miles William 1984-85
Clarke Historical Library, Central Michigan bibliographer History and Bibliography of American Presidential Election Campaign Newspapers
Miller Daegan 2010-11
Cornell University Ph.D. candidate Witness Tree: Nature, Culture, and Progress in Nineteenth-Century America
Miller Denise 2016
Texas Township, MI creative writer Travelogos: African Americans and the Struggle for Safe Passage
Miller Hilary 2014-15
Penn State University, Harrisburg Ph.D. candidate in American studies The National Road and the Expansion of American Culture, 1811-1850
Miller Katherine 2014-15
Drawn to Art
University of Virginia Ph.D. candidate in art and architectural history The Office of the Supervising Architect's Experiments with Architectural Representation: Prints & Photographs
Miller Ken 2017-18
Washington College associate professor The Strange Case of Bathsheba Spooner: A Tale of Sex and Murder in Revolutionary America
Miller Marla 1994-95
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Ph.D. candidate `My Daily Bread Depends Upon My Labor': Gender and Artisanry in Early America
Miller Rachel 2017-18
University of Michigan Ph.D. candidate Capital Entertainment: Creative Labor and the Modern State, 1860-1910
Miller Rachel 2019-20
Center for Cultural Analysis, Rutgers University postdoctoral associate Capital Entertainment: Stage Work and the Origins of the Creative Economy, 1843-1912
Mills David 2019
Long Island City, NY poet After Mistic: A poetry manuscript that focuses on slavery in Massachusetts and New York
Mills Robert 2015-16
Northwestern University Ph.D. candidate The Pirate and the Sovereign
Mills Shavonte 2019-20
Pennsylvania State University Ph.D. candidate in history Visionaries: The Black Educational Network as Transnational Diasporic Politics, 1840-1880
Miltenberger Scott 2003-4
University of California, Davis Ph.D. candidate All Gotham's Creatures: Animals and the Middle Class in New York City, 1783-1898
Minter David 1980-81
Rice University professor Texts and Contexts: The Great Migration and King Philip's War
Mintie Katherine 2015-16
University of California, Berkeley Ph.D. candidate Legal Lenses: Intellectual Property Laws and American Photography, 1839-1890
Mishler Max 2014-15
New York University Ph.D. candidate in history Boundaries of Freedom: Abolition, Punishment, and the Atlantic Origins of Mass Incarceration
Mitchell Betty 1985-86
associate professor Antebellum and Civil War Biography
Mitchell Karah M. 2023-24
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill PhD candidate in English and Comparative Literature Animals and Becoming Human(e) in Nineteenth-Century American Children's Literature
Mizelle Brett 1998-99
University of Minnesota Ph.D. candidate To the Curious: Exhibition Animals, Human Identity, and the Contested Boundary between Man and Beast in Early America
Mizelle Brett 2013-14
CSU, Long Beach professor Killing Animals in American History
Monteiro Lyra 2009-10
Brown University Ph.D. candidate Racializing the Ancient World: Ancestry and Identity in the Early United States, 1760-1860
Moody Joycelyn 2002-3
Hamilton College chair, women's studies Silent Language: Enslaved Women and the Production of Literature without Literacy
Moon Krystyn 2000-1
Johns Hopkins University Ph.D. candidate From 'John Chinaman' to 'Japanese Sandman': China and Japan in American Music, 1850-1920
Moore Sean 2014-15
University of New Hampshire associate professor of history Slavery and the Making of the Early American Library: British Literature, Political Thought, and the Transatlantic Book Trade
Moran Karen 1997
Auburn Middle School, Auburn, MA teacher and co-ordinator The First National Women's Right's Convention Held in Worcester in 1850
Morgan David 1997-98
Valparaiso University associate professor Millenial Progress
Morgan Jo-Ann 2007-8
Coastal Carolina University assistant professor "Mammies, Mulattos, and Matriarchs: African American Women in Nineteenth-Century Visual Culture"
Morgan Kenneth 1982-83
Hyde Sixth Form, Cheshire, England instructor Shipping and Trade Patterns in the North Atlantic in the Mid-Eighteenth-Century
Morgan Patrick 2019-20
Duke University Ph.D. candidate in English Manifesting Vertical Destiny: Geology, Reform, and the Stratified Earth in American Literature, Long Nineteenth Century
Morgan Philip 1996-97
Florida State University professor The World of an Anglo-Jamaican Planter in the Eighteenth Century
Morgan-Owens Jessie 2012-13
Nanyang Technological University assistant professor Letters of Light: Photographic Writing in the Literature of Abolition
Morse Kathryn 2007-8
Middlebury College associate professor The View from Here: American Environmental History through Images
Morss Martha 2004
Mount Vernon, OH writer Mary Katherine Goddard, colonial printer
Moskowitz Marina 2005-6
University of Glasgow assistant professor Seed Money: The Economies of Horticulture in 19th-Century America
Moskowitz Marina 2013-14
University of Glasgow associate professor Seed Money: Improvement and Exchange in the Nineteenth-Century American Garden
Moynihan Kenneth 1992-93
Assumption College professor A History of Worcester
Mucher Christen 2015-16
Smith College assistant professor Before American History
Mudgett Kathryn 1999-00
Northeastern University Ph.D. candidate Dana, Melville, Justice Story, and the Law and Literature of the Sea
Mueller Lavonne 2003
Chicago, IL playwright A collection of short one-story plays about six notable American women, Abigail Adams, Dolly Madison, Sacagawea, Lucy Stone, Harriet Tubman, and Martha Washington
Muise Delphin 1975-76
National Museum of Man, Ottawa, Ontario History of the Family
Mullaney Clare 2017-18
University of Pennsylvania Ph.D. candidate American Imprints: Disability and the Material Text, 1858-1932
Mullen Lawrence
SUNY Buffalo PhD in English Intersection Wellness, Psychiatric, and Medical Institutional Care and the Patient Experience, 1820-1900
Mullen Lincoln 2013-14
Brandeis University Ph.D. candidate Varieties of Religious Conversion
Muller Hannah 2019-20
Brandeis University assistant professor of history Alien Invasions and Revolutionary Contagion
Muller Kevin 2008-9
University of California at Berkeley lecturer "An Undergraduate Course on Visual Culture in American Life, 1600-1900"
Mullin Brian 2018
London, U.K. playwright Play inspired by the community of freed African-American slaves who lived freely in an abandoned British garrison in the West Florida territory following the end of the War of 1812
Mulry Kate 2016-17
California State University, Bakersfield assistant professor of history Unwholesome Tinctures: Inoculation and Questions of Heredity in the Early Eighteenth-Century Anglo Atlantic
Murison Justine 2014-15
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign associate professor of English American Infidelity: Secularity, Slavery, and the Making of U.S. Fiction
Murokh Dina 2019-20
University of Southern California Ph.D. candidate in art history 'A Sort of Picture Gallery': The Visual Culture of Antebellum America
Murphy Sharon 2018-19
Providence College professor of history and classics Banking on Slavery in the Antebellum South
Murray Laura 2010-11
Queen's University associate professor What is a Newspaper? Exchange and Citation Practices in Antebellum American Dailies
Murray Robinson 1979-80
Essex Institute associate librarian Bibliography of New Hampshire Imprints
Murrin John 2001-02
Princeton professor Crisis and Upheaval in the English Atlantic World, 1673-1692
Mutschler Ben 1996-97
Columbia University Ph.D. candidate Cultures of Sickness, Cultures of Health: Illness in New England, 1690-1820
Myers Elissa 2020-21
The Graduate Center, CUNY PhD candidate in English Crafting Girlhoods
Naeher Robert 2006-7
Emma Willard School chair Puritan Prayer, Expressive Voice, and the Shaping of Identity
Narrett David 2001-02
University of Texas at Arlington associate professor Borderland Republics: Vermont, West Florida, Texas, and the Politics of Union, 1760-1846
Narvaez Auréliane 2016-17
Jenny d’Héricourt
University of Paris IV-Sorbonne Ph.D. candidate Mobility of Faith in Early America: Religious Wanderings and Spiritual Journeys
Nash Jonathan 2011-12
University at Albany, SUNY PhD candidate 'Not the best company': Children and Incarceration in the Early United States, 1787-1850
Nash Margaret 2006-7
University of California, Riverdale assistant professor Higher Education for Women and the Formation of Gender, Class, and Race Identity in the United States, 1840-1875
Nathans Heather 1998-99
Tufts University Ph.D. candidate Avoiding Party Matters: The Boston Theatre Rivalries of the 1790's
Nelson Adam
Nelson Adam
Nelson Adam 2008-9
University of Wisconsin, Madison associate professor Nationalism, Internationalism, and the Origins of the American University
Nelson Megan 2008-9
California State University, Fullerton assistant professor Flesh and Stone: Ruins and the Civil War
Nerone John 1996-97
Institute of Communications Research, IL associate professor US Newspapers from the Revolution to the Industrial Revolution
Nesbit TaraShea 2018
Oxford, OH writer Beheld: The story of the Mayflower pilgrims told through the eyes of two women, Alice Bradford, a puritan, and Eleanor Billington, an indentured servant
Neuburg Victor 1984-85
School of Librarianship, Polytechnic of North London senior lecturer Ballads and Chapbooks in Early America
Neuman Meredith 2008-9
Clark University assistant professor Letter and Spirit
Newcombe Emma 2018-19
Boston University Ph.D. candidate in American & New England studies A Place Rendered Interesting': Antebellum Print Culture and the Rise of Middle-Class Tourism
Newell Margaret 1988-89
University of Virginia Ph.D. candidate Economic Ideology and Development in New England, 1629-1820
Newman Nancy 1997-98
Brown University Ph.D. candidate Good Music for a Free People: The Germania Musical Society in the United States, 1848-1854
Newton James 1994
Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School, Sudbury, MA department chair and teacher Political Cartoons in the Age of Andrew Jackson
Nichols Elisabeth 1997-98
University of New Hampshire Ph.D. candidate 'Pray Don't Tell Anybody That I Write Politics': Private Reflections and Public Admonitions in the Early Republic
Nissenbaum Stephen 1978-79
University of Massachusetts, Amherst professor Literature and Society in Jacksonian America: Writers Confront the Marketplace,
Nissenbaum Stephen 1984-85
University of Massachusetts, Amherst professor The Battle for Christmas in America, 1800-1870
Nissenbaum Stephen 1991-92
University of Massachusetts, Amherst professor Nathaniel Hawthorne's Scarlet Letter
Nixon Cornelia 1998
Bloomington, IN novelist Jarrettsville: The true story of Martha Jane Carines, a Maryland woman who killed her fiancé in 1869 and was acquitted
Nobles Gregory 1991-92
Georgia Institute of Technology associate professor Straight Lines and Stability: The Imposition of Order on the Early American Frontier
Nobles Gregory 2016-17
Mellon Distinguished Scholar in Residence
Georgia Institute of Technology professor Betsey Stockton’s Mission: From Slavery to Freedom, From Princeton to the Pacific
Nord David 1986-87
University of Indiana, Bloomington associate professor Journalism and Cities in American History
Nord David 1996-97
University of Indiana, Bloomington professor The Religious Roots of Mass Media in America, 1800-1860
Nord David 2008-9
Mellon Distinguished Scholar in Residence
University of Indiana, at Bloomington professor Newspapers and Cities in Early America
Norton Mary Beth 1984-85
Cornell University professor Gender in Seventeenth-Century America
Norwood Lisa 2001-2
Stanford University graduate student Grounds for the New Nation: Constructing Sense of Place from 1780-1860
Nuernberger Kathryn 2010
Minneapolis–St. Paul, MN. poet A collection of poems that merges poetic and academic impulses through special attention to performance art from the 19th century as well as games, plays, and librettos
O'Brien Elmer 1990-91
United Theological Seminary director; professor American Christianity and the Media
O'Brien Karen 2001-02
Northwestern Ph.D. candidate Making the Personal Political: Religion, Obligation and Identity in the American Revolution
O'Brien-Kehoe Jean 1987-88
University of Chicago Ph.D. candidate Community Dynamics in the Indian-English Town of Natick, Massachusetts, 1650-1790
O'Brien-Kehoe Jean 1998-99
University of Minnesota associate professor Changing Identities: Native American Peoples in Early New England
O'Connell Barry 1995-96
Amherst College professor Surviving Identites: Native American Writers and Their People's Survival, 1780-1840
O'Connor Keegan 2022-23
Queen Mary University of London PhD candidate in English and drama Volatile Presences: The American Experience of Seventeenth-Century English Writing
O'Connor Patrick 2017-18
University of Montana Ph.D. candidate The Health of the State: Tobacco and the Paradox of Public Power, 1862-1933
O'Connor Stephen 1997
New York, NY non-fiction writer Orphan Trains: The Story of Charles Loring Brace and the Children He Saved and Failed
O'Shaughnessy Andrew 1986-87
Lincoln College, Oxford lecturer The Politics of the Leehard Islands
Odle Mairin 2012-13
New York University Ph.D. candidate Stories Written on the Body: Cross-Cultural Markings in the North American Atlantic, 1600-1830
Oliva Justine 2016-17
University of New Hampshire Ph.D. candidate Anne C. L. Botta and the Business of Friendship
Oliver Christopher 2010-11
University of Virginia Ph.D. candidate Civic Visions: The Panorama and Popular Amusement in American Art and Society, 1845-1870
Olsavsky Jesse 2021-22
Duke Kunshan University assistant professor of history Fire and Sword Will Affect More Good: Runaways, Vigilance Committees, and the Rise of Revolutionary Abolitionism, 1835-1861
Onuf Peter 1984-85
Worcester Polytechnic Institute assistant professor The Northwest Ordinance
Onuf Peter 2017-18
Mellon Distinguished Scholar in Residence
University of Virginia Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation Professor The Worlds of Isaiah Thomas
Opal J. 2002-3
Brandeis University Ph.D. candidate Ambition and Democracy: Worldly Pursuits and Aspirations in New England, 1780 - 1830
Oravec Christine 1983-84
University of Utah assistant professor The Rhetorical Criticism of American Discourse, 1810-1850
Orr Ittai 2019-20
Yale University Ph.D. candidate in American studies American Intelligences: Literature and the Science of the Mind, 1780-1870
Osborne Gillian 2015-16
University of California, Berkeley postdoctoral Henry David Thoreau and Antebellum Botany
Owens Camille 2018-19
Yale University Ph.D. candidate in African American studies Blackness and the Human Child: Race, Prodigy, and the Logic of American Childhood
Pacatte Jerrad 2020-21
Rutgers University Ph.D. candidate in history Fit for Town and Country: African American Women, Labor, and the Pursuit of Freedom in New England, 1740-1850
Pacheco Derek 2013-14
Purdue University assistant professor Transcendentalism and Children's Literature
Packard Cynthia 1996-97
University of Massachusetts, Amherst lecturer; Ph.D. candidate The Black Image in Photography, Art and the Popular Press, 1850-1876
Painter Nell 1991-92
Princeton University professor A Critical Biography of Sojourner Truth
Pankake Marcia 1974-75
University of Minnesota Ph.D. candidate American Travel Accounts, 1610-1812
Pappas Andrea 2023-24
Santa Clara University associate professor of art and art history Art and Enslavement in Two Massachusetts Embroideries 1756-1758
Pappas Nikos 2007-8
University of Kentucky Ph.D. candidate "Sacred Music Tune Index of Southern and Western Source Material (1760-1870)
Parfait Claire 2012-13
Universite de Paris 13 professor African American Historians, 1830s-1930s: Book History and Historiography
Parisian Catherine 2008-9
independent scholar A Publication History of the Works of Frances Burney
Parkison Aimee 2013
Stillwater, OK fiction writer Sister Seance: A historical literary novel set in Concord, MA in the 19th century, that explores the hidden sexual implications in parlor games and holiday courtship rituals of Victorian Americans
Parrish Susan 2003-4
University of Michigan assistant professor Colonial and Early National American Almanac
Pasierowska Rachael 2018-19
Rice University Ph.D. candidate in history Beasts, Birds, and Bondsmen: Animal and Slave Interactions in Atlantic World Slavery
Pasley Jeffrey 2004-5
University of Missouri, Columbia associate professor Jeffersonian Democracy Revisited: Popular Political Culture in Print, 1800-1828
Passet Joanne 1997-98
University of Wisconsin, Madison Ph.D. candidate The American Debate on Marriage: Religion, Gender, and Social Radicalism, 1850-1900
Pastore Christopher 2010-11
University of New Hampshire Ph.D. candidate From Sweetwater to Seawater; An Environmental and Atlantic History of Narragansett Bay, 1636-1836
Patenaude Monique 2008-9
University of Rochester Ph.D. candidate Comparative History of Black Communities in Buffalo, Rochester, and Syracuse, NY, 1840-1870
Patterson Cynthia 2008-9
University of South Florida, Lakeland assistant professor 'Exclusively from Original Designs': The Philadelphia Pictorials and the Graphic Arts.
Pauwels Erin 2019-20
Temple University assistant professor of art history Napoleon Sarony and the Art of Living Pictures
Pawley Emily 2009-10
University of Pennsylvania Ph.D. candidate 'The Balance Sheet of Nature': Calculating the New York Farm, 1825-1860
Pazian Erika 2018-19
Graduate Center of the City University of New York Ph.D. candidate in art history Visual Culture and National Identity during the U.S.-Mexican War
Pearson Edward 1997-98
Franklin & Marshall College assistant professor Plays, Playhouses, and Players in Early America, 1720-1825
Pender Patricia 2013-14
University of Newcastle associate professor Anne Bradstreet's Publication History, 1650-1867
Perkins Sarah 2013-14
Stanford University Ph.D. candidate Dixie Bound: The Story of an American Literary Movement, 1860-1930
Perry Seth 2009-10
University of Chicago Ph.D. candidate The Bible and Religious Authority in Early-National America, 1770-1850
Perry Seth 2018-19
Princeton University assistant professor of religion Lorenzo Dow and the Origins of American Religious Celebrity
Pestana Carla 1988-89
Ohio State University assistant professor Sectarianism in Colonial Massachusetts
Peters Catherine 2020-21
Harvard University PhD candidate in American studies A Free Race of Cultivators: Empire, Race, and Nature in the Nineteenth-Century Caribbean
Peterson Dawn 2012-13
New York University Ph.D. in American studies Unusual Sympathies: Settler Imperialism, Slavery, and the Politics of Adoption in the Early U.S. Republic
Peterson Mark 1999-00
University of Iowa assistant professor The Mather Family and the Construction of an Atlantic Protestant International
Peterson Mark 2003-4
University of Iowa associate professor Boston in the Atlantic World, 1630-1860
Petit Marianne 2020
Jay and Deborah Last
New York, NY mixed media artist Mouth & Toes: The World of 19th-Century (Performative) Silhouette Artists with Disabilities
Petrik Paula 1988-89
Montana State University associate professor Playthings for the Republic's Children: American Culture and the Business of Play
Petrino Elizabeth 2007-8
Fairfield University associate professor "'Kitchen in Parnassus': Lydia Sigourney as Poet, Activist, and Historian"
Philip Leila 2018
Woodstock, CT writer Non-fiction book about the experiences of contemporary New England fur trappers, offering a compelling, if startling window through which to reconsider environmentalism
Phillips Christopher 2004-5
University of Cincinnati associate professor "South of North: The Civil War on the Middle Border"
Phillips Christopher 2012-13