
Newspapers & Periodicals

periodicalsThe American Antiquarian Society is the nation's chief repository for newspapers published in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries in the United States, Canada, and the West Indies. The Society has accumulated over 18,000 newspaper titles. Today, AAS has more than two million issues on five miles of shelving. The Society's periodicals collection is also extensive.


For information on obtaining digital images please review the step-by-step guide. For additional questions, please contact our Readers' Services department or the Curator of Newspapers & Periodicals, Vincent Golden.


Amateur Newspapers



How to Find

General Catalog
Almost all newspaper and periodical titles have a record in the General Catalog (major exceptions include amateur newspapers and some foreign newspapers).

The Clarence database provides item-level information on which newspaper issues AAS holds. Clarence may be searched separately; there are links for the individual newspaper titles in the General Catalog.


Digital Access

By subscription (must be at AAS or an institution that has purchased the digital product):

America’s Historical Newspapers, 1690-1922 (Readex) Many of AAS’s newspapers and includes subsections of African American Newspapers, Hispanic American Newspapers, etc. that can be separately searched.

American Historical Periodicals (Gale) Most of AAS's pre-1876 periodicals and over 200 post-1876 titles

Amateur Newspapers from the American Antiquarian Society (Gale)

Freely available
A few newspaper titles have been scanned by AAS, particularly those in very fragile condition. These are available in GIGI, the AAS digital image archive.


Amateur Newspapers (pdf)

Newspapers from the Caribbean and Bermuda, 1718 to 1876 (Word doc)

Newspapers of Mexico and Panama printed by American settlers (pdf)

Canadian Newspapers of the 18th Century in the AAS Collection (pdf)

Adventist Newspapers and Periodicals Inventory

Quick Links

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