Printmaking in 18th-Century America

In this video, Lauren Hewes, the Society’s vice president for collections, introduces several types of 18th-century paper ephemera that include pictorial design elements. Broadsides, trade cards, and billheads are among the types of ephemera featured.

This educational video explores themes discussed in The News Media and the Making of America, 1730-1800, the 2021 NEH Summer Institute for K-12 Educators.

Primary sources, listed in order of appearance
The following primary sources were discussed in this video.

Timestamp Thumbnail Access Title Item details
0:37 Detail from the Book of Trades The Book of trades, or Library of the useful arts ... AAS catalog record
0:41 L'imprimeur lithographe et l'imprimeur en taille-douce. L'imprimeur lithographe et l'imprimeur en taille-douce. AAS catalog record
0:47 Uncut sheets of playing cards Uncut sheets of playing cards AAS catalog record
0:59 Relief wood block Relief wood block
1:50 The New-Hampshire Gazette The New-Hampshire Gazette AAS catalog record
2:43 The Eruption of Mount Etna in 1787. The Eruption of Mount Etna in 1787. AAS catalog record
3:04 George Washington George Washington Esqr. President of the United States of America. AAS catalog record
3:21 By the President of the United States of America. By the President of the United States of America. AAS catalog record
3:41 A representation of the figures exhibited and paraded through the streets of Philadelphia. [political print] A representation of the figures exhibited and paraded through the streets of Philadelphia. AAS catalog record
3:48 The Bloody Massacre perpetrated in King Street The Bloody Massacre perpetrated in King - Street Boston. AAS catalog record
3:54  Map of the province of Nova Scotia and parts adjacent [copper] To His Excellency Edwd. Cornwallis Esq. governour ... this map of the province of Nova Scotia and parts adjacent ... AAS catalog record
3:54 A Plan of the City and Harbour of Louisbourg [wood] A Plan of the City and Harbour of Louisbourg AAS catalog record
4:09 Geburts-und Taufschein. Geburts-und Taufschein. AAS catalog record
4:15 [Blank] Is hereby declared to be [blank] member of the incorporated Humane Society of Philadelphia [copper] [Blank] Is hereby declared to be [blank] member of the incorporated Humane Society of Philadelphia AAS catalog record

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