Collections Not In the General Catalog
The collections listed below may have a handful items with records in the General Catalog. Please consult AAS staff for help identifying and requesting these collections.
Book Collections
NOTE: Approximately 10-15% of AAS's books and pamphlets are not listed in the General Catalog. Most of these "uncataloged" items were published after 1840 and have some alternative form of access. Please consult with the curator of books or readers' services staff to locate all material from the following collections.
Booksellers and Auction Houses after 1840
Learned Societies after 1840
Libraries after 1840
Massachusetts Institutions ephemera after 1840 and most after 1876
Governmental Publications
Foreign Government Documents (mostly Canadian)
State & Town Documents after 1840
U.S. or Federal Documents after 1830 – holdings annotated in AAS's copy of Checklist of United States Public Documents
City Directories after 1840 – card catalog in reading room
Dictionaries after 1840
Encyclopedias after 1840
Music Books after 1840 - card catalog in reading room
Railroad Timetables after 1840 – card catalog in reading room
Railway Albums after 1876 – inventory of all railway albums
Yearbooks after 1840 – card catalog in reading room
Bibles after 1840 - some holdings annotated in AAS's copy of The English Bible in America
Hymnals after 1840 - card catalog in reading room
Prayer Books after 1840
Graphic Arts Collections
American Portrait Prints
Sidney L. Smith Collection
United States Views
U.S. Historical Views
Worcester Portrait Prints Collection
Cartes de Visite
American Portraits
Worcester Portrait Photographs Collections
Broadsides, Book Trade prospectuses, after 1877
Broadsides, British
Broadsides, Charts
Broadsides, Philadelphia Book Trades before 1877
Broadsides, Worcester, after 1870
Forms, after 1800
Sentiment and Calling Cards
Telegraph Forms
Architectural Drawings & Plans
Calculators, Calendars, Revolving Almanacs
Cartoons, European Political
Newspapers and Periodicals Collections
Amateur Newspapers
Canadian Newspapers
Pre-1783 British Newspapers